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I know what you guys are thinking. It's summer and we wanna chill and what's better than a vacation? And speaking of vacations, you will need a tour guide right? So are you guys thinking that's what I am talking about? 😂😂. Aww you guys so wish I was gonna discuss vacation destinations.. 😌. Sorry but that's not I was planning to talk about. 🤔 quite similar though actually..
Have you had times where you just hear a subconscious voice just speak to you. 😳May be it sounds like you or may be not but I am pretty sure you would have had instances like that when you are deeply thinking of something. I call that voice a tour guide and who is nothing but Almighty! 😇
That inner voice just guides you on this amazing tour that is your life. The voice might speak to you everyday and that is God's way of communicating with you. 🗣. God wants you to realize that God is there, always there right next to you. Whenever you are about to do something wrong or whenever you have the urge to do something good but don't have that confidence in you, God talks to you and gives you courage.
Then again the voice will always give you suggestions for the tour just as the tour guide does. He always gives you suggestions to go and check this place out, visit this place. But finally it's up to us if we want to go there or not. Similarly God will just guide us where we wanna have to go and what we have to do but it's our wish to finally do it. 😌
Sometimes you might say oh! I did what the voice told me to do and it didn't work out well. 😓. Ya.. Those situations happen but those are little tests that God places in front of us to see how capable we are to face them and to come out more amazing. That's when God wants to test our faith. Sometimes the test will be tough but with faith anything is possible.
We never have the slightest bit of idea how a destination looks like with our real eyes unless we see personally. Similarly we will never realize what is ahead of us unless we don't face it. However God knows about it so if even if the destination seems more tempting and you want to go God will say a no if it's not safe. There will be a constant struggle between the voice and your mind and what you choose will be your fate. 😒
  "Faith is what you choose and fate is what you get. If you have faith, God will hold your hand, if you don't God will make sure you would eventually.."
❤️ NiKi

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