Mental Health: Yes! The struggle is real

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 Hey guys! How's it going? I am sure you guys had a great weekend. It's was a chilled weekend here in New York. I would love to know how your week is going in the comments! So how many new year resolutions have been broken unofficially for you guys? I really can't believe we are in February already. My gosh! Time flies.. Let's dive right into our topic for today. As someone who comes from a clinical background and who is involved in the healthcare field, my goal is to provide holistic care for all. This includes not just physical health but mental health too! I would love to share my take on this.

MENTAL health! You hear the word and the first thing that comes in your mind is 'STIGMATIZED' and I completely agree with you'll. I felt the same way. My question is 'Have you ever wondered why?'. When you see someone walking down the road and doing something crazy and you think 'I guess the person is mentally unstable'. Again we never think 'why'? Mental health is just a condition just like any other medical condition BUT it is not treated the same. I think this is generally due to the ever surrounding stigma behind it. People just tend to treat those individuals differently. Mental health conditions could affect you, me, really anyone in the world. So why treat it any different? If you yourself or someone you know are having issues, please DO NOT hesitate to ask for help and HELP IS AVAILABLE.

A general trend that I have seen in my research is that people who are having mental health issues generally come to the hospital's Emergency Department for care because people would judge them if they specifically come in for mental health care clinics or even psychiatrists. As a result, the ED in hospitals has seen a great increase in re-admissions for something that could really be treated outside. To counter this issue, there has been a huge trend of PCMH (Patient-Centered Medical Home) when the patient is really the center of care and care for every condition is been looked upon carefully. However, this trend is really generally seen in some countries on a large scale. In other countries, people really don't open up about their issues until it takes a full blown effect. 

If you sense it, see it or feel it please do not be afraid to confide in someone like a parent or guardian or even a close friend. HELP is there. Acknowledging is winning half the battle! Share your problem. Seek care and I am sure there would be better outcomes. Treatments for mental health have seen an increase since the people are now coming out strongly about them and seeking guidance from professionals. SUPPORT FROM CLOSE ONES REALLY MATTERS. So if you know someone who needs support please show them the needed encouragement!

Here's wishing you'll a very physical and emotional wellbeing!

Let me know if you guys enjoyed this small twist from the usual spiritual talks and if you guys want me to post some health contents.


Nikita H. Sangani.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 18, 2019 ⏰

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