Love V/s Love..

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"I love you.." Those three magical words.. 😍 It feels amazing when you hear them. 😌 Love is a wonderful feeling. But does it have an expiry date? 🤔

I have seen most of the relations ending due to ego, misunderstanding and miscommunication in love.. It's true guys! They are the biggest bugs which can leave you and your relations shattered. 😣

But why does it even come in between love in the first place? I mean when things are going good they are going great ☺️.. Then suddenly something just pops up out of nowhere!! 🙄 Relationships are not always a bed of roses 🌹. Even if it is.. Roses do have thorns and its upto you to cut them off 😏. People often get frustrated in their relation and give up.. Don't do it.. That's the first mistake that kills a relationship.

They go away from you for someone else? Hmm.. 😢. Where did the love go? You ask yourself.. 🤔. I guess the correct question here is, 'Was love actually there.' Love is then a big word you are using to describe the relation which was never meant to be yours.. 😅 Take the first step in doing something better for your relation 😎👍🏻. Don't think that he or she is wrong or he or she has to do it.. Not me. It's not my fault. Taking an initiative to save something precious is of no harm at all..
Talking it out sometimes cures the worst of feelings and bitterness. ☺️

Being in love doesn't just mean hugs and kisses😘⛄. It doesn't just mean saying those three words for the heck of saying it. Hey if you say it.. You should MEAN it.. 😉😏

How to kill the three bugs in your relation? Simple.. NEVER GIVE UP THE FIGHT TO SORT THINGS OUT. Never end it. 😎 Try your best. You might say that what if your partner wants to end it? In such cases, be calm. Talk it out 🤗. Go and meet them if possible coz sometimes just clearing things face to face really matters 😳. Try your level best and if it still didn't work then may be I am sorry to say but that someone didn't love you in the first place or even deserved your love.. It was a wrong choice but a correct lesson.. Just let it go.. People should understand that.. No relationship can be a forceful relation. That can never survive and one day eventually it will fall apart.. ❤️

"Love doesn't mean to end relations with whom you commit.. It means to end all the problems in your relation and stand by it with commitment." 😘👼🏻


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