Growing Up!!! Noo Pleasee No..

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From your birth till now I am sure whatever age you are be it a teenager, a youngster in your 40z or 50z or may be beyond that always wondered WISH I COULD BE A CHILD AGAIN??
This is a question which I am sure definately comes in your mind while you are doing some really tough job or having a hectic day or simply studying those huge scary books.. You simply look at your neighbourhood kids or kids of your own and think.. WHAT A LIFE!! So stressfree, carefree .. I am sure most of you would definately get a smile recollecting those amazing childhood days simply by looking at them.. :)
But tell me do you think that just because you have grown up you can never be a child again? Is it that an impossible thing to do? The answer to this is a definate NO..
Now you might tell me who has the time in this busy world to become a kid.. I have my own problems to handle.. Yes I am sure you do.. But if you do this small exercise sparing a few mins just to freshen up your mind not only it will act as a stress buster but also make you realize that nothing is lost yet..
Trust me... Spare a few mins of your day talk to your kids.. Or your neighbourhood kids.. Ask them about school.. Recollect some of your memories and share it with them..
Who says you are too old to ride a bicycle in the rains?? Who says you are too old to play board games or play hide and seek? Or read a comic book or simply watch cartoons?
Go ahead.. Take a step.. Enjoy!!
So what if you are growing up or you are getting old..
           ----  <3 NiKi $

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