TIME & LOVE.. ;)

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I have seen so many relationships ending. Many of them ended due to lack of either time, money or love...

Lets take one by one factor into consideration.. Lets talk about TIME today.. (I think I am answering a long answer question) 😂. Never the less lets focus on TIME. 🕐🕕

TIME is an important factor in a relation. Time can be of two types .. QUALITY and QUANTITY... Both having equivalent importance.. If you ask me then its pretty ironic that in the start of every relation your partner has hell lot of time for you. Infact, they remove time for you from their very busy routine to meet, to interact, to call.. !!! 😍😍QUANTITY TIME.. But then as the relation moves ahead, it just vanishes.. Quite a true story isn't it!! 😅 We always end up complaining, "Excuse me earlier you had all the time in the world for me.. Now what happened?" 😛

Their common reply will be, "I am busy.. Why can't I be busy? Its not like I don't have any other work to do. I am not 24*7 free ok.." Yup that hurts and that realization of where did all that time you had for me go hurts even more.. 😒😟

But hey then there comes the QUALITY time. Friends.. Lets make a note here shall we. If you are spending say 5 hrs with your partner having nothing to talk more and just quarelling about something, just hanging out at old places, chit chatting, gossiping.. Or its one of those days when you both are extremely busy and don't have time for each other.. Married people have shift timing problems and sometimes you are so tired at the end of the day all you can see is just home, food and sleep.. It's the perfect time to go for QUALITY time.. 🙂. Its when you and your partner are only for an hour with each other instead of the usual 5 hrs but you are there completely there and devoted. Listening, interacting or just simply holding hands or looking in each other's eyes and giving comfort.

Long distance relations are a lot more difficult to handle and its a test of patience, understanding and strength of love. I personally feel people who have had or are in a long distance relation have become stronger, more bonded, patient and committed. Managing time is difficult here but hey its a test and you have to work hard to pass it.. 🤔

My personal favourate if you ask me is definately QUALITY TIME.. It gives you time for yourself and your partner equally and makes you a balanced person.. 👼🏻


Stay blessed, stay balanced and share love.. ❤️

❤️NiKi $.

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