Those Eyes... :')

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We can say a mouth can speak a thousand lies but not the eyes. They are a reflection to what is there in their heart and mind..
When you look in a kid's eyes you can feel the innocence thru and thru even if you are just looking at them..
Feelings are best expressed with the eyes not words.. Friends let me share with you an incidence which I might never forget..
It was April, 2010.. I was riding my bike back from a friend's place towards my house. I was excited to meet my cousins who were waiting for me at home. We were going for a hangout. I saw two small poor girls with a huge stick in their hand trying to break tamarind(called imli in Hindi) from a distance. I didn't bother. They were on the extreme edge of the road and I was riding on the main road. I was riding at my usual speed of 50kmph. I just came parallel to the girl who was holding the stick. At that very same time the girl couldn't bear the weight of the stick and let the stick down and now that stick was right in front of me and before I could do anything.. Dasshhh!! The edge of the stick hit me right at the nose despite the helmet and it started bleeding. I was frowning and made up my mind that I would teach those girls a lesson. I took a U-turn where now I bruised my leg too.. I was bubbling with anger now.
I went close to the girls who were now really scared to see me returning back to them. There were tears in that girls eyes.. I halted next to them and I just looked at those innocent eyes. They were apologizing to me but there were no words coming from her mouth. I could feel her pain and realizing that she might be doing this to earn money after selling them. It just completely vanished my anger. I melted. I told them, "Hey please don't be scared and don't cry. I know at first I was gonna shout on you but I won't because I know why you are doing this job and how much it means to you. Just be careful next time and don't let this happen to someone else." Those girls looked at me and started crying again but this time those tears were of joy, of relief, of content.. They smiled and told me 'Thank you didi(elder sister) .. If it would have been someone else they would have beaten us. Please go home and take care. Blood is flowing from your nose.. And even your leg is hurt. Sorry.." :')
I smiled and said, "Don't worry about me. I will be fine." Saying this I took out a small chocolate I had in my bag and gave it to them..
I was back on the road and rushing home for first aid. Fortunately I didn't break any bone.. Just had bruises and swelling.. But hey.. This pain was nothing as compared to the joy of doing a good deed..

"I will never forget the people whose eyes taught me a lesson more than their words.. Be humble to the less fortunate.. Do good deeds. Stay blessed.." :)

       --- NiKi $

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