Square up cuz

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(Whasa dude, In this chapter the underlined sentences mean you are in your high whiny voice. Lol, just so its easier for you and I.)

You were recording yourself reacting to a video created from Leafyishere. You didn't like him that much, yet you still find his humor to be quite funny. Your YouTube channel grew quite fast which made you extremely happy. Leafy's video finished and you began to speak "Well, my conclusion from this.." You pointed to the screen, with a disgusted look on your face "Cancerous tumor is that he enjoys making people kill themselves. Which includes me." You picked up a Clorox bottle and "chugged" it.  "But on a serious note, I can understand where he is coming from. Keems-dawg, bro, brother, man. You need to stop, you are like a fucking 2 year old. O-Oh no! Someone made a hate video on m-me! Oh man, What am I going to do?! U-Uh maybe I should  fucking leak their Facebook and Skype.! Like what the actual fuck dude?! Do you actually think that's a fucking good idea? Yo, I do like his creativity though. Hmm, H-How can I roast Leafy by showing that he s-s-stabbed me in the back with creativity?Oh I know! I'll tape a fake knife on my back and sign 'leafy was here' Get it because his name is LeafyIsHere? So, Leafy was here?!" You fake laughed, and then spoke again "Go kill yourself you rat. But anyways guys. Thank you all so much for watching, If you liked it click that like button the way you smack that ass. But on a serious note thank you all so much for watching, it means so much and it literally helps me survive. Thanks again, and I will see you in the next one. Bye!" You turned off your camera and leaned back in your swivel chair. You got a knock on your door causing you to jump in response. You growled and got up, walking to your front door. You leave the door chain and opened it a bit. "Can I help you? I'm kind of busy right now ." You hissed. ( ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) )

"Yeah you're being really fucking loud" An irritated voice spat. 

"Well I'm pretty sure that what I'm doing is more important than your life so leave me the fuck alone, I will be as loud as I want. Now go to your house and cry yourself to sleep like you probably do every night" You snapped, narrowing your eyes.

"Look, can we just come to an agreement?" The man said. You rolled your eyes in response and slammed your door. You removed the door chain and opened the door, stepping out. You were pissed, who does this person think they are? You studied the person more, they had a hat on with their black sweater pulled over the top of it, probably so you couldn't see their face. "I make YouTube videos and I need it to be quiet..."

"Congratu-fucking-lations. I do too, It's not that rare buddy" You were starting to cool off until the man pulled off his sweater and took off his hat. It was the one and only Leafyishere. You were going to tell him that you just made a video out him but you just laughed causing him to snap.

"Listen here you fucking thumbtack. You need to be quiet or else I will file a fucking complaint!" You laughed even more.

"Ooh! You're gonna file a complaint, I-I'm so scared! I should just go chug some bleach and cry to myself until I die!" Your face went serious and you grabbed his sweatshirt pulling him closer to make you more threatening "Take that complaint and shove it up your ass. I make my videos in the day time, do your videos at night. That's my decision if you don't like it go kill yourself!" You pushed him and stormed into your apartment, slamming the door. You locked it and growled, stomping to your recording room. 

( Sorry that this was moslyt a conversation chapter. Also sorry that you currently don't like Leafy. -shrugs- Thanks for reading, I'll see you in the next chapter. ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) )

It's just a social experiment - Leafyishere x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now