Yelling and Tears.

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-Your POV-
"Smile darling, you're on camera!"
I rolled my eyes and looked at Calvin who was emotionless. How the fuck does he hide his emotions so well? "Ah and here we have my boyfriend Calvin!" She emphasized on the 'my'. I rolled my eyes again.
"Cool, have him. I don't want him. He's just a friend." The person in the mask looked at me.
"Well then, since everything is okay. For now. I'll take off my mask." The person took off the mask. No fucking way.
"WHITNEY?" Me and calvin both said. Well, Calvin tried to say. It just got muffled.
"That's me!" She said, raising her arm and posed. // dog fucker pose-> 💁🏼// Whitney took off the tape from Calvin's mouth. "Hi honey!" Calvin made a disgusted faced and leaned his head away from her as she tried to kiss him. I laughed and she glared at me. "What's so funny?" She walked over and slapped me, quite hard actually. Hard enough that it knocked the chair and I over. I lied there and stared at Calvin. I couldn't tell what his emotion was, I could just see his mouth agape. Whitney strutted over to Calvin and kissed him numerous times. Minutes later, she left the room. As Whitney left she turned off the lights.
"You okay y/n?"
"I'm fine."
It was silent for quite a bit.
"Aren't you scared?" He didn't reply "Calvin?"
"Yes Y/n! I'm scared! We're fucking kidnapped by the dog fucker! And it's all your fault!!" I flinched at his words. He was so loud. It scared me. He was right though, it was my fault. I felt my lip quiver. Not now you fucking baby. Don't cry in front of him. I couldn't help it, I started to cry. "Y/n are you crying?" I cried more, it was uncontrollable. I had to let it out, from everything that happened the past few days, I just had to. "Y/n! I'm sorry! I didn't mean to yell at you.. It's not your fault!" Calvin sighed. Whitney came in and turned on the lights again, revealing me. Calving stared at me. My eyes were most likely bloodshot from crying. I sniffled and Whitney looked at me.
"What happened?" She asked. I didn't speak, I just looked away. Whitney helped put my chair up but I still looked away from them. I could still feel Calvin's stare. "I'll go get you some tissues." She said, leaving. Moments later, she came back with tissues she placed them on my lap and pulled out scissors from her back pocket. "I'll undo your arms if you guys don't run away."
"I won't. I promise" I said.
"What?! Y/n!" Calving said, he was obviously shocked.
"Shut up Calvin. Promise her you won't run away."
"Okay fine. I promise I won't." And with that Whitney cut our arms free. I had no energy to attack her so I just pulled out tissues and wiped my tear stained face.
"Look, Y/n. Maybe after all of this we can be friends! You seem like a nice girl." Whitney said, patting my head. "Oh! I have an idea! Let's have some girl time!" She pushed my chair out of the room and closed the door behind her. She grabbed a box from her desk and handed it to me. "Here!" I opened it to see a pair of golden scissors. I raised my eyebrows at her. "I'm going to cut your hair!" My stomach dropped. Oh fuck me. "If you don't want me to I can always kill you." She growled narrowing her eyes.
"No no! Cut my hair.."
-time skip-
She cut my hair into a long bob. I held a mirror in my hand. It actually doesn't look that bad.. // see picture at the top for an image of a long bob //
"Wow you actually did a good job! Nice!" Whitney smiled and pushed me back into the room. Calvin was gone. He wasn't in his chair.
"Calvin?" Whitney whispered.

I didn't really know what to put for this chapter but here you go! Hope it's okay. I went whit water rafting and I almost drowned. I fell into the river and held onto the line outside of the raft and was dragged along until the guide pulled me up. It gave me many flashbacks to Nam. Anyways have a good day guys.

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