Merry Christmas

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-Your POV- { it's Christmas Eve by the way }
Calvin came up to me from behind and wrapped his arms around my waist, resting his head on my shoulder. "Merry... Almost Christmas Babe." He whispered to me causing me to smile.

"Merry almost Christmas." I replied giggling as we stared at our Christmas tree. The apartment was actually tidy for once... And Calvin helped! What jolly little bean. I heard a knock on the door and Calvin let go of me. He walked to the door and let Dan and Phil in. They exchanged greetings and all went to sit by the Christmas tree. "So.. What'd ya get me?" I asked, batting my eyes at Phil. He blushed and shrugged.

"It's a secret!" He replied, smiling. I smiled back and we sat in silence.

"Who wants hot cocoa?" I asked clapping my hands together. Everyone shouted 'me!' Except Calvin, he just raised his hand and smirked. I walked to the kitchen and made four cups of hot cocoa. "Calvin light the fireplace please." I called over my shoulder. I heard him get up and open a drawer. I gave Dan and Phil their cups first.

"Thank you!" They said in sync, causing me to chuckle. Calvin eventually lit the fireplace and I gave him his hot cocoa.

"Let's watch a Christmas movie shall we?' I said, turning in the tv that's right above the fireplace. We watched how the grinch stole Christmas and Calvin wrapped his arm around me, instinctively I cuddled into him. As the fire began to burn out I heard snores come from Dan and phil which made me smile. Eventually I fell asleep. I can't wait for Christmas.

~Christmas Morning~
I woke up as the sun hit my face. I groaned and rubbed my eyes. "IT'S CHRISTMAS! EVERYONE GET THE FUCK UP!!" I screamed, shaking awake an angry Calvin. Dan and Phil woke up. Dan had hobbit hair and Phil's hair was just plain old messy. Dan stretched and groaned, Phil yawned and Calvin whacked my arm. "Ow. What was that for?"

"For waking me up." Then he kissed my arm. "And that's for me hitting your arm." I rolled my eyes, laughing.

"Present time!"

"Hey Y/n?" I looked over to Dan scratching his head. "Can we eat first? I'm hungry." I nodded and got up, walking to the kitchen.

"I'm making my Christmas special.... CHOCOLATE CHIP WAFFLES!!" Phil clapped and Dan smiled. I looked at Calvin and he was sleeping again. I rolled my eyes and grabbed my ingredients.

-Time skip to breakfast-
I handed out the plates with food on them and sat down. Calvin was finally awake. His hair was really messy but I let him be. He looked like the grinch- only not green - when wakes up. Everyone began to eat and they all complimented my cooking. I nodded, smiling. When we finished everyone put their plates in the sink and we went back to the couches. I handed out everyone a gift. I was proud of calvin. He quit being an ass to them and bought them a present. I grabbed a random present that was tagged to me and I sat back on the couch.

- another time skip to after the presents -
We were all super happy with our presents. Dan and Phil loved the presents I got them. Calvin got them both cologne and gift cards to Best Buy for new cameras. I got a drone from Calvin, books and posters from Phil, and new videos games from Dan.
   Calvin got one big present that Dan, Phil and I all payed together for. We got him some professional lighting for his facecam videos. His mouth dropped as he opened it and I swear I seen his eyes glisten from tears. I giggled and kissed his cheek.

"Merry Christmas baby. Merry Christmas everyone!"

"MERRY CHRISTMAS!!" They all shouted back. We all laughed, chatted and drank/partied for the rest of the day.

Woooo I finally updated!! I hope you guys are enjoying the book... I wanted to stop writing but I know that some of you guys are still reading and I want to finish the book.
Hope you guys have a wonderful day. 💖
Much love 💝

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