Good Vibed Fans

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-Your POV-

We lied on the hard bed puffing some joints because good vibes or kys.  He looked at me as I turned to him.

"That was some good shit."

"Not as good as this shit." 

"Is that a challenge I smell?"

"No, you're smelling the smoke." He rolled his eyes and pulled out his phone. 

"Want to make that video?" I looked at Calvin weirdly.

"Calvin, The only thing I'm wearing right now is your shirt." Calvin nodded in reply, "Fine, but don't show my lower half."

*Time skip to after the video*

Calvin posted the video unedited and waited for his fans to respond. I sat there nervously, playing with the bottom of the shirt I was wearing. 

"You alright?" I nodded, still looking down at the shit. "Hey, don't worry. If anything they'll be glad I got you. I was lonely as fuck." He said, pulling me onto him. I cuddled him and eventually fell asleep. 


I woke up to the sound of a shower running. I rubbed my eyes and grabbed my phone, noticing I had tons of notifications. Most of them were nice, some of them said kys and some said kms. I sighed and set my phone down on the bed. I just hope he truly loves me, I dont wan't to be used a fucking meme. I heard the shower stop and I seen Calvin walk out with a towel wrapped around his waist. He used another towel to towel-dry his hair. "Oh, morning babe." He said walking over and kissing my forehead. I scooted to the other side of the bed and he sat on it still drying his hair. "Lots of people were really happy for us." He said grinning widely. I nodded, smiling back.


Here's a short update right before I leave.

Thanks for reading, I hoped you enjoyed.

Much love<3


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