Sleepover part 2

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Yo Mark. You need to calm down holy shit (( Sorry if you don't watch Mark on youtube lmao))

-Your POV- 

The movie ended and I sat up, turning to Calvin who was passed out. I shrugged and looked around spotting the bong. (  ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) Good Vibes Boiiii ) I took a few hits and lied back down on the couch. I noticed Calvin was awake smirking at me. "Oh sorry dude, I hope you don't mind that I-

"It's all good." He said interrupting me. He grabbed the bong and did a few hits as well, not taking his eyes off me. He placed the bong down as he breathed out the smoke. Calvin crawled on top of me and stared at me. "Wanna have some fun?" He asked with a smirk. I smirked back, looking away. "I didn't hear a no, so..." Calvin took my hand and led me to his bedroom. He pushed me onto the bed and kissed me roughly as he took off his shirt...

I opened my eyes as I felt something shove me. "Y/n? The movie's over." Goddamn it Calvin. Why the fuck did you have to wake me up now? 

"Oh, sorry." Calvin laughed, rubbing the back of his neck. "So what do you want to do now?

"You" Calvin blinked for a moment, turning a soft pink "I'm kidding!" 

No I'm not.

"Oh!" Calvin laughed looking away, rubbing the back of his neck once again.

"Do you have cake mix? We could make a cake!" I said, noticing my face was heating up as well.

"Actually I think I do! Hold on." He said rushing to the kitchen, he looked into a few cupboards before finding the mix. "Found it!" He said smiling. 

"Awesome!" I cheered, getting up from the couch and walking to the kitchen. "Lets get started!"

-Time Skip-

We both looked at each other and laughed. We were both covered in Powdered Cake mix all over us. 

"Well that was fun" I said, panting from laughing too much. 

"Yeah", he said smiling.


Sorry for not updating in a while. So here have this. All I can say is ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) you're welcome. Also sorry it's so short. I didn't know what to put for this chapter. Oh and also I have this Febreze spraying thing and I walked into my room ( It's pointed right in front of my door) AND IT SPRAYED ME. RIP. At least I smell like cookies and bakery shit. yES THE SMELL IS GRANDMA'S COOKING DON'T JUDGE ME. I LIKE FOOD. (Also since when was Febreze called 'Febreze'? I always thought it was Febreeze. The fuck. The whole world is changing. Next thing I know my name is John and I support Donald Trump. Omg. Ew. Never mind. I'll always hate his orange ass.) I'll go now. Bye!

Much love <3


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