Grinding and Groans

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;) bet you like that title, eh?

-Your POV-
I cranked some trap Christmas music and Calvin and I danced around. Dan left to go wank in the bathroom and Phil was passed out on the floor. I swayed my hips side to side holding a red solo cup up with my left hand. I felt a pair of arms wrap around my waist and a face bury into my neck. Calvin pulled me into him, grinding softly against me. My drunken self thought it was a good idea to grind against him as well. I swayed my hips more as he tugs on my waist. I heard soft groans come from Calvin's lips, which slightly turned me on. I turned around so I was facing him and slid my hands down his pants and into his boxers. I snickered at how hard he was. He bit his lip, begging me to jerk him off. I decided to tease him and I slid my hand down more and licked his neck causing him to groan more. I smirked and removed my hand, walking away. "I think my work here is done." I heard foot steps chase after me and  Calvin grabbed my shoulder and spun me around.

"Well mine isn't." He whispered seductively, picking me up. I wrapped my legs around his waist and he pushed me against a wall. We made out and I ran my hands through his hair. I moaned softly as he sucked on my neck. I heard a Dan leave the room and I guess Calvin did too because he set me down. He pointed to me and whispered "later" with a serious face. I just brushed myself off and walked to the kitchen. I grabbed some water and chugged it thinking it was vodka. Disgusted, I walked to the couch lying down on my stomach. I felt someone poke my ass and I turned my head to see Calvin and he looked at Dan, smirking.

"Threesome?" He asked, shrugging. My jaw dropped and I turned my head away from them and ignored their horny drunk asses. I then passed out, feeling sick.

Sorry it's so short I'm really busy. School is a bitch :)
Much love

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