The next morning

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I woke up to the sound of groaning. I look over to see Dan rubbing his head. "Head ache?"

"Migraine." I cringed. I don't usually get hangovers because I control myself. Unlike the guys. I slowly got up and walked to the kitchen opening a drawer. I grabbed some Advil fast relief and a bun to Dan. I remembered that he isn't able to take pills well. "Thanks.." He whispered, causing me to nod. I walked back to the kitchen and made coffee for myself. I looked at Dan who was staring at the bread.

"Come on Dan you won't feel any better unless you eat it. Staring won't do anything." Dan nodded and ripped some of the bun and started to chew it. Just as he was about to swallow he popped the pill in and swallowed it. He ate the rest of the bun and set the pills next to him. "You can sleep in my bed." I said and he nodded, walking to my room. I stared at the coffee as I felt a pair of hands wrap around my waist. I instantly knew they were calvin's. He rested his head on top of mine and groaned. I chuckled "morning." He groaned again and I chuckled more. The pot was filled with coffee and Calvin let go, grabbing two cups of coffee. I poured the coffee and we walked to our balcony, sitting on an old sofa we put out there. I looked at Calvin as he drank his coffee. I smiled as he lowered his cup and raised and eyebrow.

"Can I help you?"

"No. Just admiring you."

"It's my job to admire you. It's not yours or admire a piece of shit like me."

"Oh shut up."

Calvin chuckled, "come 'ere" he pulled me against him and we cuddled, drinking our coffee.

"You're not a piece of shit by the way. You're amazing. You had enough power to change my life and make it happy and that's amazing. You're like my superhero." I could tell Calvin was smiling and I looked up and pecked his chin. (I swear to god if I see no chin comments I will hunt you down and smack you with a photo of Calvin's chin.)

"Well the you're my underdog. You made me less cold and lonely than I was. I used to be emotionless but the more I got to know you the more I fell crazily into love and experienced happiness. Thank you.. Y/n."

We sat in silence and stared at the sunrise.
"Wait why are we up so early?" I felt Calvin shrug as he took another sip.

"You woke me up so ask yourself that."

"Y/n, why did you get up so early? Gee, I don't know y/n why-

"Shut up you weirdo." Calvin said leaning down and kissing me. I chuckled in the kiss. This was one of my best mornings I've had in a while.

Yay I'm back. No one missed me though right? 😂
Much love <3

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