Go fuck yourself.

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  -Your POV-

"Y/n, what even are we?"  What? Did I just hear him right?

"What do you mean?"

"Well we keep kissing and shit."

"You kissed me first, so you obviously have an idea of what we are." I started to get angry when Calvin just shrugged in reply. "You know what? Whatever. Take your fucking spray paint cans, shove them up your ass and go fuck yourself!" I stormed away and walked to the road, planning to hitch-hike. 

"Y/n, wait..!" I heard Calvin run to me and grab my arm. 

"What the fuck do you want?" I snapped, glaring at him. 

"I'm sorry. I- Fuck- I want you to be with me. I just- don't know how to ask you properly. Please forgive me. Please be my girlfriend. I was leading you on and I shouldn't have. Please." Calvin looked away letting out a sigh. I frowned.

"Okay." He looked at me. "Okay to everything.. Including being your girlfriend." He smiled widely and hugged my tightly. 

"Thank you." I nodded and hugged him back softly. 


We entered a diner, still covered in paint. It felt as if everything went in slow motion as he slipped his cold hand into mine. 

-Calvin's POV-

Y/n chatted on about how crazy the past few days were. I tuned her out and just stared at her, smiling. God, she's so beautiful. Why did she yes? She's so full of grace and warmth, and I'm filled with sadness and coldness.

"You aren't even listening, are you?" She said, resting her hand on mine. I smirked and chuckled softly. 

"Sorry. Just got lost in my thoughts." She smiled back.

"Was I that boring?"

"No no, I can just stare at you for hours and think about how lucky I am."

"You make it sound like you won the lottery Calvin."

"I did, and you're the prize." Y/n grinned wider and looked away. She took her hand away from mine and picked up her cup filled with coffee. She took a sip and put it back down on the table. She looked at me and leaned over the table, giving me delicate kiss. 

"I love you Calvin." She said as she leaned back to her seat. I stuck my tongue out.

"Ew, feelings." She laughed at me and took another drink of her coffee. I chuckled and took a sip of my water. I love you too, Y/n.


Sorry for the short chapter. If you need some bleach I have a large supply. ;^)

Thanks for reading this chapter, hope you guys enjoyed it.

Thank you all so much for the 2.1k views. <3


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