Announcing to everyone

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This was one of my best mornings I've had in a while.


y/n's perspective

"We should announce fully to YouTube." I felt Calvin nod. I got up and walked into the apartment. Dan and Phil were no where to be found, they must've went home. I set up the tripod and camera outside, sitting down next to Calvin. "Do you want to do yours first or mine?"

"Let's do yours first." He said, smiling softly. I nodded and counted down, clapping once I got to one. " Hello YouTube. As you can see by the title this is a really big announcement. I finally have a boyfriend. And who best to be that person than," I paused and yanked Calvin into the view of the camera " this ray of sunshine?!" We both laughed.

"Hi everyone. I'm Calvin but you might know me as.." He looked at me and I narrowed my eyes as in to say 'don't say anything stupid' "Leafyishere!" He did jazz hands and I giggled.

"So yeah Calvin and I have been together for a while now and we found that it's time to announce it to you guys!" Calvin nodded and pulled me into his lap. "Sorry this was a short video, if you liked it please give it a thumbs up it helps more than you guys will ever know.. Have an amazing day.."

"Peace out guys." Calvin said, cutting me off. I looked at him and we laughed. I looked back at the camera and we waved as I turned off the camera. "Don't edit just upload." I nodded. We did the same for Calvin's channel. Once we were done we sat outside.

"They won't like me-"
"They will love you-"

We both looked at each other and sighed. He pulled me into his chest and rubbed my back. "They will love you okay? And if they don't I'll take a break from YouTube and post a serious video because no one can hate on my babygirl." I smiled. I love it when he calls me babygirl.

"Want to go to the park?" He nodded.

"Sure why not?"

Sorry that this chapter is super short. I've been really busy and I will update with a longer chapter later. Have a good day loves.
Much love <3

It's just a social experiment - Leafyishere x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now