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-Your POV-

  Calvin was gone. He wasn't in his chair.
"Calvin?" Whitney whispered. Seconds later, I heard a loud clank. I turn to see Calvin holding a frying pan. 

"Where the fuck did you get that?"

"Shut up, let's get out of here." Calvin said walking away.

"Shut up, let's get out of here." I mocked Calvin in a whiny voice, following him. 

-Time skip-

We escaped the basement thing and walked out into and alley. I look at Calvin, he looked just as confused as I was. We walk to the main road and look around. Calvin spotted a motorcycle and he ran to it.

"I can hot wire this bitch." He said, examining the motorcycle. He played with the wires inside of the bike until the bike clicked on. "Fuck yeahhh" He said.

"That's cool but I'm not riding with you without a helmet."

"Then let's go 'borrow' one." He said walking to a conveniently located helmet store and tried to walk inside which wasn't going to happen since it was locked. Calvin grabbed a rock and threw it at the window, causing it to smash. 

"Calvin! The fuck?!" (( ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) see what I did there? )) I yelled over the alarm coming the store. He grabbed two helmets and threw one to me. I put it on quickly and tightened it as much as possible. "Now we're fucking criminals you dumb ass!" 

"I'm sorry, did you have a better idea?" He growled as we both got onto the bike. "That's what I thought." I held onto Calvin tightly as he sped away. There were faint sounds of police sirens but we were far away from the small town before the cops would arrive at the scene. I loosened my grip on Calvin a bit since I felt more comfortable. I threw my arm in the air as I felt the adrenaline run through my veins. 

"Woo!" I shouted, smiling widely. I heard Calvin chuckle and sit more up-right. I ran my hands up his chest and leanedd my head against his back. We drove for what seemed like hours until we stopped at a gas station. Calvin fuelled up the bike and payed at the pump. We drove for a few more minutes until we seen a motel. We pulled up to it and parked the bike. We rented a room and entered it. I looked at Calvin and sighed. "What about the cops? They're probably after us." I rubbed my arm and Calvin put his hand under my chin. 

"Shut up." He said, leaning in. He kissed me, it was sloppy and wet. Calvin pulled away and I laughed. He raised an eyebrow in return.

"Is that the best you got?" I said kissing him more passionately, we fell onto the bed and our kiss got deeper. I pulled away, staring at him. "I can't believe you stole those helmets Calvin." He laughed, running his hands down my sides and rested them on my thighs. 

"Well, you're still breathing. That's all the matters Y/n."

"Woah. Does this thief have feelings?" My mouth opened a bit.

"Pfff- No." We laughed and kissed once more. "Let's get some sleep." I nodded, crawling off of him and slid under the blankets. 

"By the way we're getting a cab tomorrow." Calvin laughed in response. Moments later we both drifted off to sleep. 



Lmao I hope you guys enjoyed this chapter. 

Maybe leafman does have some feelings. ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

 Thanks for reading this chapter, I'll see you guys in the next one.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        Hissssss

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