Desmond Barney.

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-Your POV-

The cab driver; who's name appears to be Desmond Barney, took out a note pad as I told him my address. He wrote it down and put it away. The fuck? I looked out of the window as he drove away, I seen Calvin exit the Cafe and I narrowed my eyes. Cunt. As we drove away Desmond turned on the radio and Cherry Poppin' Daddies came on. (( Yes that's a band.)) We eventually got to my apartment and the man looked at me with a mischievous smirk.  "See you, buttercup." He said, in his raspy voice. He winked at me as I got out. I cringed, closing the door and running inside the entrance to the complex. Once I got in I turned to see the cab's light was off and the Desmond get out of his car. Oh fucking hell no. I ran to the closest set of stairs and ran up all the way to the third floor. As I whipped open the door to enter the floor I heard the door on the main floor open viciously. I ran down the hall to my apartment. 

Faster Y/n god damn it!

I entered my room as soon as the door I just came from opened. I closed the door and locked it, keeping my lights off. I looked out the window and seen Calvin's car pull up. I called him and he immediately answered. 

"Stay inside your fucking car!" I whisper-yelled into the phone. I started to hear faint bangs on other people's doors. I crept to my closet, trying to be quiet as Calvin questioned me. "Shut up! We can talk about what happened later! Hide in your car... You know that one taxi driver that drove us to the paint shop? He's back. He wrote down my address and followed me in here." I whispered, trying to not panic. I opened my closet, closed the door behind me and climbed into an old cardboard box- you know, just to be safe. 

"Shit Y/n! I can't risk you getting hurt. I'm coming in!"

I heard a loud bang on my door and I yelped. Shit did he hear that? The banging stopped for a moment and then the banging came back. Only louder. 

"I have to go Calvin. Stay there. I'm going to call the police." And I did just what I said. I dialled the number as the banging intensity increased. Are they going to make it in time?


O shit whaddup. 

Bet you didn't expect that.

Is this book coming to an end? Will the next chapter be the last chapter?

You'll have to wait and see. ;>

Much love to you all for all the insane support. <3


(Sorry it's not that long btw)

// shout out to LeafyIsMahBae for helping me pick out this crusty creepy ass dude's name. Much love to you <3 //

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