Hello again.

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-Your POV-

My phone began to vibrate -since I took the finger off - against the nightstand. I groaned and grabbed my phone, bringing it in front of my face. I clicked the home button and it turned on, blinding me for a bit. I cringed and squints my eyes as I slid the screen to the right and put in my password. I got a lot of texts from Dan. I smiled and called him.

*ring.. ring... ring....*

"Hey Danny."
"(Y/n), hey..! You got my texts?"
"Yeah. You guys can stay in my apartment for as long as you need."
"Thank you so much. Our lives have been flipped once we got robbed. We'll pay you rent."
"No need, Dan. It's alright."
"I insist." I sighed and rested the phone on my chest, staring up at the ceiling. I heard him chuckle and Phil screaming in the background.
"Wasp!! Wasp!!!" I heard his faint voice yell. Dan started to freak out and must've accidentally clicked the FaceTime button because his face showed up. He had his curly hobbit hair and no shirt on. Dan ran around screaming, I started laughing and clicked my FaceTime as well; because why not. After a few minutes of Dan and Phil freaking out, he noticed his camera was on and he stared at the phone. His face began to turn to a bright red and I smiled, chuckling.
"Hey." He said, looking away. I smiled wider and waved.
"How are you feeling?"
"I'm okay.. I'm tired and in a bit of pain." He sat down on his sofa and leaned into his sofa crease. We ranted about the new updates on YouTube and Dan and Phil's tour dates. I smiled and took in a deep breath. "I'm happy for you. I'm glad you are becoming successful." Dan smiled his award-winning smile. He thanked me and I heard Phil yell thank you. I giggled and replied with 'you're welcome'.

Dan spoke for minutes about how excited he was to be neighbours. I smiled and closed my eyes. "Mm, me too." I replied, staring up at the ceiling. I heard the front door being unlocked and I sighed. "I have to go. I'll see you in a few weeks. Bye.!"
"Bye!" I ended the call and rested it on my chest. Calvin entered the apartment and I heard him set bags down in the kitchen. He walked to our room and planted a kiss on my forehead. I grinned up at him and he smiled back, sitting next to me. He lied down and cuddled into me.
"Love you"
"I love you too Calv."

Wow I'm so sorry I haven't updated in a long ass time. Ive been really really sick recently. I'm going to the doctors next week to see what's up with me.
Hope you guys enjoyed this chapter, thank you for reading.
Much love <3

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