Bad news.

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-Calvin's POV-
I felt my phone vibrate in my pocket and I instantly pulled it out and answered it.
"Hello?!" I said quickly.

"Hello, Mr. Vail. I have some good news and some bad news." The doctor paused. I could hear him flip some pages. "Y/n hasn't fully recovered but she is back to good health."

"That's great! How is that bad?"

"You didn't let me finish", I gulped and looked down at my feet, "Y/n's bones are still healing. Her neck is a bit better, but we later discovered her tailbone was damaged so she is unable to walk. She still has her leg and arm in the cast which she will need to get check out in a month or so. You can pick her up and take her home today." He said, clearing his throat at the end. I shot up from the couch and grabbed my keys.
"Okay! Thank you!" I heard the doctor laugh and he said goodbye. I ran out my door, not caring to lock it. I raced to my car and drove to the hospital.

-Your POV-
I stared at the tv, watching the news. I huffed and looked at the balloons I got from my family. Calvin should be here soon, I looked at the IV in my arm and cringed. "Ew"

"You won't be needing that anymore" A man said, I turned to see Dr. Vinsanak. // idfk // He walked to where my IV was and pulled it out, causing me to cringe more. "There you go, I'll go get your wheelchair." I smiled and him walk out the door. Great. I seen him push in a black wheelchair and he helped me into it. My leg was hoisted up by a part of the wheel chair. "Test the water, is this easy enough for you?" I wheeled around a bit and looked at him giving a thumbs up, since I can't move my head. I fucking hate this neck brace; Makes me want to kill myself. I heard quick footsteps and I seen Calvin enter the room.

"Y/n! I'm so sorry I-" Calvin started to tear up. This was the first time I've seen Calvin in a while. He hasn't visited me, which upsets me but I shrug it off.

"Hey it's okay, I'm okay! This was no one's fault." Calvin shook his head and crouched next to my casted leg. He took my hand and squeezed it.

"I should've visited but I couldn't stand to see you in pain. I was scared, I haven't slept or left the house in weeks." I could tell he wasn't lying he looked dreadful. I kissed his hand, looking at him reassuringly.

"It's okay, let's go home." He nodded and pushed me out of the hospital. He was happy to see me and I was lowkey ecstatic to see him.

-time skip-
We took the elevator up to our floor and he wheeled me to our room. We entered and I instantly smelt coffee, weed, and energy drinks. For some reason I missed this scent; well, it's better than what the hospital gave off. "Can you bring me to the couch?" I asked, causing him to nod. He wheeled me there and then scooped me out of the chair, he lied down on the couch as he cradled me.

"I love you so much Y/n, I'm sorry I'm such a nuisance." He said, kissing the side of my head softly so he doesn't hurt me.

"I love you too Calvin; and it's your job to be a nuisance to me." I said, chuckling a bit. Minutes later, Calvin passed out on the couch. He was way more comfortable than those hospital beds. Much more welcoming and loving. I embraced his touch, I missed him a lot; not gonna lie. His arms were warm and I felt his breath on my ear. He softly snored and I smiled, slowly drifting off to sleep.

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