Dan HOEwell

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-Your POV-

As I entered Calvin's apartment I felt my phone vibrate. I answered it, turning it on speaker phone. 

"Hey hoe!" I said, setting the phone on the counter. I heard Dan chuckle and then sigh.

"Hey Y/n. Phil just got here since I am watching Becky for a longer time than I thought. Anywaysss Phil thought it'd be a great idea if we all went out for dinner together!"

"That sounds wonderful Dan!" I heard Phil and Becky cheer in the background, causing me to laugh "Is it alright I bring Calvin along?"

"Sure! We're going to some snazzy restaurant so Phil says 'dress fancy'." I heard a noise as if the phone was being moved.

"Yes! Tell Calvin to wear something fancy too or else we'll look like hooligans. Oh and hello Y/n." I laughed again.

"Hello Phil and will do. I'll make sure he's looking spiffy"

"Great! I'll get Dan to text you where the restaurant is! Bye!"

"Alright, see ya!" I said, hanging up. A few second later I got the name of the restaurant. I heard foot steps and turned to see a slightly confused Calvin. "Come with me." I said, walking out of the door. I pulled out my keys from my coat pocket and unlocked my door. Calvin stepped out of his apartment in blue plaid pj pants and a vans shirt. We walked into my apartment and went to my room. "Do you have dress pants and a button up shirt?" I asked, opening my closet. 

"I left them at my family's house when I moved." I nodded and pulled out my friend's dress pants and shirt.

 "Here, they were my friend's but he wants to leave the here for some reason." I shrugged and handed them to him. I shoved Calvin into the bathroom and told him to get changed. I decided to wear my long grey dress with lace.

 I decided to wear my long grey dress with lace

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I stripped down and put on the dress. Knocking on the door I check my phone to see a new message. Dan wanted us to be there at ten, thankfully it was only nine. 

"I need help." Calvin said, I opened the door and looked to see Calvin with loose pants and his shirt buttoned up wrong. I laughed and walked up to him, undoing his shirt. 

"Always start with the bottom button." I said, re-buttoning it. I looked at Calvin to see him blushing. 

"Sorry, I don't usually dress up." I smiled and kissed him on the cheek.

"That's alright." I walked back to my dresser and gave him my friend's belt. He slipped it on and buckled it. Calvin sat on the toilet lid as I did my makeup and curled my hair. By the time I finished it was time to go. I grabbed my silver clutch and took Calvin's hand. "Let's go."

*Time skip*

I was greeted by a classy middle aged woman as we entered the restaurant. 

"Do you have a reservation?"

"Um- Yes, under Dan Howell.?" The woman nodded and led us to a table for 6. Calvin and I sat on the end. Him sitting in the chair across from me and I sitting in the booth. Quite a few minutes of me and Calvin ranting on how tight his pants were Dan, Phil and Becky arrived. I got up and ran to Dan, hugging him. "Hey guys!" I said, moving to Phil to hug and then Becky. Once we all got settled Calvin gave me a questioning look, which I just ignored. 

"Then I got to the party and fell down the stairs, ripping my pants!" Dan said, making me laugh. I put my hand on his shoulder and smiled. 

"Well that's not as bad as what I did!" I said, starting to tell and embarrassing story. Once I finished my story everyone laughed, except Calvin he just stared at Dan and I with a jealous glare. Dan and Phil started to argue over who was going to get their food first. Dan then made a quick movement with his hand, knocking his water over causing it to spill onto my lap. I gasped as the cold water seeped through. Dan panicked and grabbed a napkin wiping my dress. 

"Sorry! Sorry! Sorry!" He said, causing Calvin to look up at his phone. 

-Calvin's POV- 

I looked up to see Daniel's hand on my girl's crotch. She was laughing when he pulled away with a flustered face. I got up and stormed off to the bathroom. Unbelievable. Who does he think he is?


Thank you guys so much for reading I hope you enjoyed this chapter!

I made it longer than most chapters. My chapters are usually around 548 words but this one is 800.

Once again, thank you guys for reading. I hope it was alright. 

Side note: I know Dan's last name isn't hoewell. He's just a hoe so- I'm joking btw.

Much love <3


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