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-your perspective-

As Calvin and I walked down the pathway to the park I felt a bit uneasy. "Did you read the comments?" I asked him, receiving a nod.

"They're happy I finally found someone to take care of me. They told me to tell you to make sure I go to bed at proper times and not drink so much energy drinks." He laughed and messed up my hair by rubbing the top of my head. I laughed and pushed him away. We sat on a bench and I stared at a fountain. "Y/n, I don't think I could ever get it across to you how much I love you." I blinked and turned my head to him.

"What does that mean, Calvin Vail.?" I smiled softly as he tucked a strand of hair behind my ear.

"I feel like I could stare at you for eternity and nothing can distract me 'nor will I ever get bored. You amaze me everyday with your bubbly attitude and your amazing body and looks. You're one of a kind y/n. I want to love you for eternity." I smiled and kissed calvin's cheek.

"I want to love you for eternity too, Calv."

                        THE END

HOPE YOU GUYS ENJOYED THIS BOOK AS MUCH AS I DID WRITING IT! Thank you for the positive reviews, I love you all so much. If you have any ideas for a new fanfic let me know!! Love, Haylee / Author.

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