Coffee and Taxis.

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"Ew, feelings." She laughed at me and took another drink of her coffee. I chuckled and took a sip of my water. I love you too, Y/n.

-Your POV-

No I love you back? K. Cool. I mean we just started dating. I'm just rushing everything.

I looked out the window "Where to next?"

"Home I guess. I asked a waiter and he said we were in a town right out of our city so we could probably get a taxi to drive us there."

"Okay." I signalled a waiter over "Can we get the bill please?" The waiter nodded and walked back to the counter. I took another sip of my coffee which has gone cold. Calvin went to pull out his wallet but I stopped him, 'I got it' I said. The waiter passed me the bill as I pulled out my wallet from my pocket. It costed $5.43 so I gave him a 5 dollar bill with a loonie. "Keep the change." I got up, as did Calvin. It felt awkward but it shouldn't be.. Right? We walked out and sat on a bench. Calvin called a cab as I stared at my feet. 

"You alright?" He asked, nudging me.

"Yeah, just home sick." He nodded. We sat there in silence until my phone vibrated. I slipped it out of my pocket and looked at the screen. I got a text message from an unknown number. 'Your taxi's here.' It said, I looked up and there it was. The taxi. I shrugged it off, maybe it's like the uber app or something. I got into the cab and the man turned to me and Calvin. 

"Where to?"

"*insert your town or where ever the fuck you want to live*" I said, looking out the window.


Sorry this is so short. I've been busy getting ready for school and having 'talks' with my mother.

Thanks for reading this chapter, I hope you enjoyed it!

Much love <3


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