Hit that shit.

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Hello everyone! I hope you are all enjoying this fanfic thing so far. I'm currently on Vacation in the mountains so it's hard for me to update but when I get to places with internet I will post my new chapters! This chapter is about Smoking weed and drinking so if you are uncomfortable feel free to not read it. I'll post a new chapter soon. Thanks! Enjoy.
-Your POV-

We both ran back to Calvin's room, locking it as we got in. "The fuck are we going to do Calvin?!" I said, running my hands through my hair. He shrugged, walking away. I stood there alone for a second, raising my eyebrow. He came back with a black bong and a bag of weed.

"We are going to get some good vibes, Y/n. That's what we're going to do." He sat down on the couch and patted the spot next to him. I shrugged and sat next to him. The bong seemed mostly prepared. Calvin put the weed on the table and broke it up, removing chunks and stems. He then packed the weed into the bowl, putting it back into the bong. He pulled out a lighter and handed it to you. "Ladies first." I stared at the lighter and then made eye contact with him. "Shit, you don't do weed do you? You don't have to.. I don't-" Calvin stopped as I grabbed the lighter out of his hand. I took the bong and put my mouth in the opening at the top, getting ready to inhale. I lit the bowl and inhaled the fumes. I took a few hits and held the fumes in for a bit, then breathing out the smoke. I coughed a bit and handed Calvin the bong. He slowly took it, staring at me with wide eyes. "Impressive"

"You got any beers?" I said smoothly, staring at his fridge.

"Uh, yeah. Help yourself." He said flicking on the lighter. I got up and walked to the fridge, opening it. I found a case of beers and pulled out the case. I pulled out two from the case and walked back to Calvin. I handed one to Calvin as he placed down the bong, breathing the smoke out from his nose. He took the beer and cracked it open. I did as well and flopped down next to him.

"Y'know you're pretty chill on the whole situation, Calv." Calvin looked at me as I took a sip of the beer. He smirked and scratched the bottom of his chin.

"It's probably nothing to be honest. Don't worry, if anything bad happens I'll protect your weak ass."

"I'm not weak you tumour." He just laughed and sipped on his beer.

"Probably be best if you stayed here for the night." I nodded, chugging the rest of the beer. I put the can on the coffee table and looked at Calvin.

"Well, now what?" I asked, putting my feet on Calvin's lap.

I hope that was alright. It's a bit short, I've just been really busy on vacation.
Have a good day Bruh.
See you in the next chapter.

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