Chapter 8

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I woke to a subtle knock on the door. I cracked an eye open to see myself facing the window over civilization. The sun was peaking over a few buildings, painting the sky orange and red, though my hospital room was still dark. I rolled over and mumbled a quiet "Come in" and the door creaked open.

In the doorway stood Jeff, a look of concern on his face, "You okay?" he asked and I felt my tears pour down. I launched myself from the bed and latched onto him, not allowing any room for niceties. No 'hellos' or 'good morning's' just my body pressed against his.

"I'm sorry" He cooed stroking my dark brown locks, the straight strands that fell over my shoulders becoming tangled in his fingers.

"Why?" I asked through tears, not wanting him to see me cry and keeping my head pressed into his chest.

"Because of my stupidity, because I wasn't there"

I punch his shoulder lightly, "Oh, shut up. That's no reason to be sorry. I'm okay now that you're here"

He stifles a laugh, before leaning down and locking his lips on mine. I don't hesitate to return the affection, moving my mouth with his. I close my eyes and try not to remember the pain I had felt for the thousands of minutes without him. Jeff runs his hands over the length of me, stopping on my hips as I move my body closer to his. He moves his hips roughly and I melt into the wash of kisses he leaves to linger on me. He grabs my chest and moves over my assets, making me shiver with delight. He lifts me and carries my body to the hospital bed. I smile into the kiss as his tongue covers the length of my mouth. He sets me down so I'm sitting at the foot of the bed. Jeff crouches down so we're eye level and he kisses me deeply, holding my face as he pulls away, leaving my hand holding air.

I open my eyes and see Jeff is no longer in front of me, though the feel of his kiss lingers. I turn my head, seeing the man with murky eyes standing over JTK's body—Jeff's body. I scream, holding a hand over my mouth in terror. I go to slam my fist on the call button to the nurses for help, but find I am no longer in the hospital at all. Instead, I stand in the middle of the street across from the school. The murky eyed murderer stands over a young girl, her voice wailing and crying as she tries to pull herself away from the man. As I stand in the street, witnessing the struggle of the brunette, I can make out another body. My eyes land on the corpse of Jeff, just where the man left it, causing my body to tremble and quake as I stand there. In fact, as I try to move to help the girl, I see that that's all I can do.


The murderer pounces on the girl, her two arms turning into her only having one. That's when I realize who she is. I'm witnessing myself lose my arm, I'm seeing what would've happened if Jeff never saved me.

The other Serenity sees me. She opens her mouth to scream but  no more sound comes. Though, Jeff seems to hear it as he tries to get to her, reaching a hand to her, grasping her intact hand and squeezing it before the man steps on their entwined fingers, pushing on them earning silent screams from both of them. As they pull away the man turns to the other Serenity, lifting his ax to his shoulder before kicking her onto her back, forcing her to look into the eyes that terrified me when I first saw them. They frightened me so much I can only imagine the terror that poor clone of myself must be feeling.

She screams silently, her mouth opening and eyes squeezed shut though no sound escaping. The man steps on her stomach and pushes down, sending her wheezing and coughing. He lifts his ax into the air and I hold my breath as I become one with the other Serenity, suddenly it's me under the man's foot, no longer watching but becoming one with the terrifying display.

I scream and wail as I feel my ribs crack and break inside, feeling numb, sharp cracks erupt inside my torso. Blood forms in my throat, making me choke as I intake a sharp breath from screaming.

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