Chapter 25

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I didn't know where to start looking for Jeff. He knows where to go for a victim, but I do not. The forest is huge, taking up what space the buildings of the town could not. There are little areas between stores and large groves behind neighborhoods that could potentially provide cover for Jeff. I'm only one person. I can't even navigate around the house correctly yet, and now I have to go hunting for someone who--in the wrong state of mind--could potentially kill me. Not to mention he knows these woods like the back of his hand.

Fear began to bubble as I thought of what Jeff was capable of doing under his circumstances. I've never even seen him like that. He was a quiet kind of angry, not the screaming and cussing kind of arguing I was used to. Then again, I'd never even asked how the whole Soul and Body exchange worked.
Jeff shares his body. He made a kind of pact, I'm assuming. And now, since he was holding out on his urges, he's lost control.

I have to find Jeff before somone else does. Smile, having stayed at the house, couldn't even help as he had no idea what was happening. Then again, he is just a dog.

No matter how long I ran, I just couldn't find him. I looked everywhere I could, weary of my surroundings and listening for key sounds. However, my stomach flipped as I stumbled out into the abandoned road, sunset drifting over the horizon. I turned slowly, seeing nothing but the same pattern of nauseating nature I've been digging through for the last hour.

"JEFF!!!!" I began screaming, cupping my only hand around my mouth to amplify my voice, though with a forest this large it's probably no use.
"JEEEEEEFFF!!!!!" I kept drawing out over the distance.

If there was even I time in which I wanted to kick myself in the face for screwing up, it was now.

I was running out of time .

Slamming the knife I'd been harboring on the ground, I paced around with my hand holding my head.
I kept chanting the F-bomb (like it would somehow help in the situation) and tried to calm myself to think rationally. Goooood this was too much.

Will he come back? Will he still be the same? What if he doesn't come back?! Then what do I do?!

"The town!" I cried, jabbing a finger in the air in from of me, sweat was now dripping from my brow, but then again can you blame me?
The town was the only choice I had left. An obvious place to look had I been trying to think rationally an eon ago.
But as I started in that direction , I heard it.


Two people to be exact.

It was down the road, but I know I heard the unmistakable giggle of a teen girl and the laughter of a guy. A spooky late night walk with the person they love can potentially turn into a blood bath!
If Jeff is still in the woods, he'll be looking for them.

It's a risk, but maybe if I scare them into the woods and freak them out, Jeff will find them. Hopefully I'll be able to take care of him and the people won't get hurt...or worse off, killed.
Let's just hope I'm enough to handle Jeff.

Ok, I decide, I just have to make myself look the part if I'm going to scare them.

I remember the orange goggles Jeff had gave me the night I performed with my friends. Taking the opportunity I throw them on and pull my hair out of the strap wrapped around my head, then proceed to rub dirt and gravle on my clothes and body. There's still some thing missing, something that would sell the scheme: blood. And there was only one place to get it.

I thought about it, my hands already shaking from my adrenaline pumping, and grew anxious. However, any moment now, those teens would come around the curve of the street and see me. I may very well be the last thing they see if I dont do this!

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