Chapter 17

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I ran in intervals, only stopping when my vision blurred from exhaustion or when my sleeve got caught on something. I had to run in the cover of the forest, being wary of how far away I was from the road and how deep I was in the brush.

Soon I was right where I was last night. I had a pounding sense of deja vu but quickly ignored the prospect. That's not what I need to be concerned about. What I need to worry about right now is how to handle the situation.

I knew no one would be out here when I arrived, thus save for the annual bird that made himself known. I found a space on the ground to sit and placed myself there.
Ok, I can finally focus a little.

What did I do?

I lashed out, plain and simple. My patience was worn to the limit and I just gave in to my dark desires. Emotionally speaking, this kind of thing should have remained verbal, a product of a morbid 'want'. My frustration, rage, anguish all melted together and made the ultimate violence pakage. My demented 'want' became a 'have'.

I can't believe I did that to Alice...there was so much blood you'd think I bashed someone else's head in.

I begin to tremble as I remember the scene. Her head cut to the bone, an eye bulging while the other lazed closed. Her body twitched as it lay on the floor, bits of flesh and hair still caught in the cracks of the locker. Back and purple bruises decorated the front of her neck

I grabbed Alice when she didn't see it coming. I grabbed a fistful of her hair and slammed her face into the corner of the metal storage space, I remember missing a few times, catching her neck instead.
All of it was a product of my own doing.

Nausea washes over me and I slump deeper into the soil.

What will Bethany and Daniel think when they find out? And...what about Amy and Daryl? God, I can only imagine the look on their faces.
I regret what I did. I probably changed the way people view Jason's murder, thanks to my outburst.
The police were probably already called by the time I started my rampage. If I'm not charged with murder, I'll be charged with aggravated assault, nonetheless, both will land me in jail.

I should turn myself in. I should just end it all and go back. They'll find me eventually, I think to myself. I don't even know if Jeff will help me.

I need Jeff now. I need him more than I did before, than I ever thought I'd need him.

I stand to my feet and walk to the place we'd talked last night.
There's no sign of him anywhere and for a second I worry I just dreamt the encounter, by my thoughts won't allow that thought come to pass.

"Yea, kid...who's life is more important? Yours or theirs?"

Funny how I planned on coming here and telling him to get lost and now I'm asking for help.

I cupped my hand over my mouth and called out for Jeff. I called for him and called for him but no one came.

At least, it wasn't Jeff that heard me.

There was a loud crash in the distance followed by multiple harsh snaps, like a tree was falling.
I peered around a few saplings and saw great shadows coming through the lining, growling and the chomping of jaws audible from all the way in the brush.
As the sounds grew louder, two figures finally exit the tree line.

Jeff and a large, dark, husky came bounding in my direction.

"Serenity!!!" Jeff called out through pants of breath.

Now it was clear. They were being chased!

As Jeff picked up speed he eventually got ahead of the mob and was skidding to a stop at my feet.

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