Chapter 31

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"Let's move it! Move it!"

A harsh elbow met my back and I was quick to gnash my teeth at it's source, finding none other than Misty Higgins behind it.

"Move it, idiot, you'll get the Hornets riled up again."

I rolled my eyes, ignoring her flashy pink hair as she strode past me, entering the outside yard of the institutional prison.

"I only said what was true, I didn't know he'd be a piss poor sport". Snorting a reply so easily angering her I paced after her heels, nipping them as the cold November air blasted against my cheeks.

"You called him a slur of names I won't repeat then proceeded to gloat about how your boyfriend would come save you....again"

At the mention of Jeff I put my head down, done with trying to pester her and just get outside and taste the world again.
"He will. You'll see."

"Sure I will."

Missy- my only source of companionship since I was admitted into this prison- would not understand, but no one would.

After being here, in this sweaty heap of regret and anger, for over a month I've started to lose faith that Smile ever made it to Jeff.
After I said my peace with the my parents and Amy I knew I needed to get home more than ever. Seeing my family drove home the reality of what I'll lose if I dont kill the source of this evil, a man whose name I do not know.

Anyway, I refused the offer of giving up Jeff, knowing full and well that even if I decided to throw him under the bus, I had no idea where he is or where to find him.
Within days I was in a musty court room of overly sprayed cologne and perfume wearing jury members. As expected the judge nailed me with first degree murder of Alice and I was to spend five years in a federal women's institutional prison.

Days I would spend looking out the small barred windows atop my cell, waiting for any sign that Jeff was out there looking for me, searching for me, waiting to find me and bring me home.

But nobody came.

Pushing the thoughts aside I made my way to the concrete slabs where Misty and other girls were playing basketball, a stereotype that seems to be fitting as we cant do much of anything else.

There was Hannah, an ebony beauty with a French accent. Her hair sporting dreads tied in a bun and a white scar across her jaw. She got busted for armed robbery....again. She's only serving half of my time as she violated her parole.

Finally, Austin, a relatively normal girl with naturally orange hair and freckles decorating her from head to toe. She refuses to tell us what she did, but she has made leads that she won't be getting out anytime soon.

"Hey, look it's the Vulture," Austin teased, "you game?"
She held up the ball temptingly.

"Fine but only if you don't cheat this time" I shoot.

Austin throws her head back in laughter, her ringlets flouncing against her face.
"You're just mad because I beat your ass last time"

Hannah scratched her scar,
"That was a draw at best" her dialect making the insult that much sweeter to hear.

Misty huffed, "Whatever. We playing or what?"

Austin looks my way, "Fine, I'll take the Crow"

"Vulture," I corrected.

She took her stance, Hannah on my team and Misty with Austin.

For the next hour or so we went on in a flurry of moves and a flying ball, crying out when we miss or when the ball is stolen and celebrating when the tides turn in our favor.

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