Chapter 11

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Summer's P.O.V.

Harry let out a shaky gasp. "R-Rob..."

"It's all my fault. I kissed him. I'm sorry, Harry," I stood up a sprinted to Liam's car.

I hid behind the metal frame and crouched down. Sobs racked my frail body. This whole day is messed up. It all happened way too fast. I can't believe I kissed him after I broke his heart. I'm so stupid. Harry probably hates me right now for dangling our relationship right in front of his face like that.

"Sum-Summer?" a voice called out to no where in particular. "Baby, come back!" It was Harry. Shit.

I decided to remain in my position. If he found me, so be it. I picked at my thumb nail and tears began to flow down my frozen, pale cheeks. The footsteps began to fade as if he gave up on me. Well, he should have a long time ago.

Liam's P.O.V.


"Liam, go get Summer. I'll find Harry." Rob demanded and I obliged.

I picked up my jacket and headed for the entrance. As I walked through the door way I spotted something on the floor. It was a blade. I let out a small gasp and snatched it off of the ground. The metal tool was shiny and glossy the top was drenched in dryed blood. I shoved the ugly, horrid thing in my pocket and continued walking to the door. I pushed it open and spotted Harry searching for something.

"Haz!" I called and his attention turned to me.

"Yeah?" he answered with tears forming in the corner of his eyes.

I jogged towards him and clutched onto his shoulder. "Ro-"

"I know he caught Summer and I kissing and she ran off." I stared back at him in confusion. "Rob FORCED her to dump me."

I nodded and handed him the blade in my pocket. "It's hers. If she has one, she must have others."

Harry swiped the thing from my hand and sprinted frantically around the parking lot.


We finally gave up when we found no sign of her. I trudged back into the building and dialed Summer's number.

"Hello?" her voice rang out.

'Speaker.' Harry mouthed and I obeyed tapping on the screen.

"Where are you?" I asked, pondering. "Summer, we-I'm worried."

"At th-the house," she stuttered. Harry froze then quickly shuffled to his senses and grabbed my keys tossing them to me. "C-an I sleep in your-"

"Course," I smiled into the receiver.

"I'll go then," I nodded and said my goodbye.

The line went dead just as Harry dragged me to the car.

Summer's P.O.V.



I woke up with a sharp pain in my back. I groaned realizing I rolled off the couch again due to another nightmare. Those things seemed to go on forever. I sighed pulling myself to my feet and shuffling into the barren kitchen of my new apartment.

After I hung up the phone that night, Liam and Harry drove back to the hotel to check up on me. I was asleep so Harry left me money to buy a flat since he didn't want me to feel uncomfortable. Media has dialed down since the news of the breakup and with the way magazines put it, I apparently crushed Harry's spirit. BS.

I had just finished making a pot of coffee when there was a knock at the door. I rolled my eyes.

"Can everyone just leave me-" I was interrupted by the frail woman standing in the doorway. Her frazzled expression and limp shoulders painted a huge smile on my face. Her nimble fingers grasped the neck of a bouquet and her red lips were curved into a genuine smile.




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