Chapter 31

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Harry's P.O.V. (Wedding Day)

As I stood in front of the large group of family and friends, my mind whirled with what Summer was thinking as she stepped out from behind the large oak, church doors. However, the years I had spent waiting for true love had ended as my true love walked through the doors with her arm slung together with Liam's.

(24 hours earlier)

Summer's P.O.V.

I searched the isles for the perfect crimson roses. I spotted a bunch of roses halfway down the current isle I was roaming. Placing the roses in my shopping basket, I continued down the isle in search for different flowers for the center pieces.

After a an hour and six dozen roses later, I headed to the register. I quickly paid and left the store in a hurry. Some one's hand grazed my shoulder blade, causing me to turn abruptly. My chest came in contact with their's as my head tilted up to meet their eyes.

"Go away!" My body jolted backwards at the site of Chris in an orange jumpsuit. His feet were bare on the concrete.

Chris grabbed my arm in an attempt to lure me into his dark ways again. My initial reaction was to scream and pull away, but I knew that wouldn't work. I let my body do the talking instead. My fist came in contact with his cheekbone and I took off into a sprint to my car, clutching the perfect roses.

"Bitch!" he yelled sluggishly chasing after me.

I unlocked my car and forcefully shoved the roses into the passenger seat and locking the door. I sped off, escaping the man in the jumpsuit.

As soon as I got home, I dialed the police. My mind whirled as I instructed the secretary of Chris's location. Harry was due home in half an hour and little did he know that I was about to drop a bomb on his parade.

I hung up and began to pace the living room. The time tucked by slowly as the sky began to grow darker and before I new it headlights shone through the window.

My anxiety shot through the roof as Harry entered the room. His keys jingled as he placed them on the hook. He made his way over to me, pulling me into a hug. As Harry's arms held me tightly, the anxiety that once engulfed my mind began to slowly deteriorate.

"Bad day?" Harry asked, letting go of my cold body. His hands lingered on my hips, raising goose bumps on the spots of my body that Chris once touched.

"Chris got out of jail," I grimaced. "He grabbed me, but I got away and called the cops."

Harry let out a shaky breath, nodding his head swiftly. His curls bobbed up and down, causing me to notice that they were slowly disappearing. This observation made me think of Harry and I. The more trouble I got in, the more I felt we drifted apart. I couldn't risk our relationship any longer.

Harry's P.O.V.

Summer crashed her lips on mine with need. This was what we needed right now. Pleasure. She filled the crevices in the my heart with her unconditional love.

My hands moved to her hips, guiding her to the bedroom. Summer placed her body on the bed and I climbed on top of her, grasping desperately at the material of her shirt. She assisted me as I pulled it above her head.

- - - -

"I love you," I whispered, tracing circles on Summer's bare stomach.

I glanced at the time to make sure we had enough tim before my mum arrived to drop Bailey off. She stayed the weekend with my mum, so Summer could get some wedding work done since it was going to be here in the blink of an eye aka tomorrow.

"I love you more," Summer grinned, placing her hand atop mine. "Bailey will be here soon." She said, reading my mind. I nodded slowly in response.

I lifted the two of us out of bed, so we could dress before my mum arrived.

I pulled on some clothes just in time. the doorbell rang and I jogged over to the entry way to answer it.

- - - -

"Good morning my beautiful bride," I smiled caressing Summer's cheek.

"Good morning my handsome groom," she replied, giggling giddily as the words left her mouth.

We got dressed and began to prepare a quick breakfast. Bailey made her way down the stairs clad in her Cinderella onesie. Her features looked groggy from a long day with Grandma Anne.

"Morning, Angel," Summer smiled, lifting Bailey up and propping her on her hip. "Is Captain Crunch okay?" she asked gently.

Bailey nodded her head, rubbing her eyes tiredly.

After breakfast, I began to get ready to go to Liam's house to allow Summer time to prepare. Plus, Liam offered to help me.

We all agreed that I would have four best men: Liam, Niall, Louis, and Zayn. Summer initially chose Mia as her Maid of Honor, but she has been in and out of the hospital and rehab due to the one night with Chris. Summer decided to ask her cousin to be her Maid of Honor.

I packed my tux into a coat bag thing and carried it out to the car. I hung it in the back and headed back into the house to kiss Summer goodbye.

Summer's P.O.V.

A knock sounded on the door, signaling Perrie's arrival. I opened the door swiftly, allowing the guest inside.

"Sum!" El and Perrie screeched in unison, pulling me into a group hug. I hugged them back tightly.

Little fingers tapped at my leg. as I let go of the two, Bailey clutched on to my jean clad leg for reassurance.

"Oh, El, Perr, this is my daughter, Bailey," I smiled proudly. The 'awed' and 'cooed' as I laughed at their silly faces.

Soon after my cousin, Jess and my other bridesmaids, Gia and Sydney, arrived.

We all greeted each other warmly and I introduced them all to my pride and joy, Bailey.

I lead the girls to my bedroom, so they could slip into their dresses. Lou offered to do all of our hair and make up and of course we all agreed giddily.

As we all stood in front of the long mirror for a last glance, tears flooded my eyes at our beauty. They all looked phenomenal in the silk, red mermaid dresses that Harry picked out. Lou had curled their hair to perfection and done their makeup masterfully.

Bailey walked out of the bathroom with Lou following close behind her. She was dressed in an ivory dress that was a smaller replica of mine.

My dress was a full ball gown with jewels decorating my waistline. It had one strap the was covered in jewels as well. However Bailey's dress had two straps.

We all headed out to the transportation awaiting us.

The seven of us, Bailey, El, Perrie, Gia, Sydney, Jess, and I, arrived at the church in a black stretch limo. Paps took photos from behind the lines of policemen.

Smiles decorated the guest's faces as I headed into the grand church. My smile, however, was the largest of them all.

The time had come as all of my bridesmaids cleared out of my way. One by one they had walked down the same isle that I would soon walk down and now all my hopes would come true because a few yards away my true love stood waiting for me.


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