Chapter 21

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Summer's P.O.V.

Christmas was right around the corner. I searched the stores for gifts with Sydney. Mia was still in America and thinking about that made me quite upset. I felt like I had made a terrible mistake. We were always such good friends. In fact, good friends was an understatement.

I sat down next to Mia at the lunch table. Eighth grade lunch was the best. I particularly enjoyed our friend group. Chris and Taylor filled in soon after.

"Hey, Summer," Chris spoke first. "Want to work on that History project together?"

I nodded slowly, tapping on Mia's shoulder. She smiled and whispered something in my ear, causing strings of giggles to surpass my lips.

"What was that, Mia?" Taylor giggled, motioning towards Chris.

Chris raised a blonde eyebrow and glanced at me. I lowered my head, breaking the state between us.

Mia always had the hugest crush on Chris and the funny jokes she came up with about him were priceless.

She took a sip from her milk and we continued telling each other jokes. However, this time we included Chris.

"What do you get when a giraffe is caught on traffic?" I covered my lips in attempt to hold in my laughter.

"I dunno," Taylor commented as I uncovered my pink tinted mouth.

"A giraffic-jam!" I chuckled.

Everyone stared at me in confusion. Just as I thought I had failed at making everyone laugh, Mia spit her milk across the table in laughter.

The whole lunch room's turned towards us as we snorted at the fact that Mia couldn't hold in her liquids.

Chris gazed at me, a smile placed on his lips. I burst out laughing as I stood to grab paper towels to clean up the mess.

I giggled to myself as I stared down at the brick covered side walk. Sydney glanced at me but continued down the street.

"What about this store?" I asked, pointing to a store labelled 'One Direction World' with a smug smirk.

Sydney nodded as she noticed our boyfriend's faces on the glass.

"Let's get them cardboard cutouts as a fake Christmas gift," she smirked, motioning towards the corner of the colorful store.

I nodded vigorously as we rushed over to the cutouts. I snatched the last one labelled 'Harry' and purchased the prank gift.


I walked up the beige sidewalk to my house, noticing a strange car in the driveway. I unlocked the door and stepped into the living room, stripping off my heavy winter coat.


I glanced at the couch and to my surprise I saw Mia and Chris plopped directly next to each other.

I gasped as they noticed my presence. "Hey, Summer," Mia smiled, standing up with open arms.

I ran over to her and engulfed her in a bear hug, nearly tripped in the process.

Mia let go of me and I sauntered over to hug Chris. "I haven't seen you since eighth grade," I spoke weakly, a tear slipping down my cheek as I recalled many memories together.

"I know. I hope you don't mind, but I let my daughter nap in the guest room," Chris sheepishly replied.

I opened my mouth to speak but he beat me to it. "Her mother...was a huge mistake but she left me with the poor kid. She's my world though."

"Would you take it all back?" I asked, lightly. He shook his head proudly, snaking his arm around Mia's waist.

I couldn't contain my smile. Footsteps creaked from the steps and when I looked over I saw a little girl with Chris' blue eyes and blonde hair. My smile grew as she sauntered over to Chris.

"Daddah," she giggled, clinging to his leg. "I hungry."

I grinned from ear to ear and squatted down next to the unfamiliar child. "Bailey, this is Summer. She's Daddy's best friend." My heart swelled at his response.

"Hi, Summah," Bailey giggled again. She was clad in a white heart onesie that was pink. Her hair was in two pigtails messy from her nap.

"Hi sweetie. Do you like blueberry pancakes? " I asked and she nodded her head sleepily.

"Wanna help me make some?" Bailey nodded vigorously as she rubbed her eyes with her fragile hands.

I gently took her hand and led the group of us to the kitchen for some dinner.

Just as we entered the kitchen, the front door swung open.

"Sum, who's over?" Harry called out walking into the modern sized kitchen. His eyes lit up as he saw Mia, opening his arms for a hug. Mia met him halfway as he engulfed her in a hug.

"Mia!" he squealed. "How've you been?"

"I've been healed." Her response lingered in the air as she glanced over to her lover. He helped healed her and I was grateful.

"Harry meet my best friend from middle school, Chris, and his daughter, Bailey," I grinned for the thousandth time today.

Harry mimicked my goofy smile and kneeled next to the little girl. "Hi," he spoke quietly. "I'm Summer's Prince Charming."

The room erupted in laughter and Bailey nodded and whispered something into Harry's ear.

I stared at the scene unfolding in front of me in confusion. After a couple seconds I decided to shake it off and shove Harry, Mia and Chris out of the kitchen so that Bailey and I could start dinner.


I handed the two year old next to me the blueberries and she dumped them into the mixture with a giggle.

She turned her attention to me. "Is Mia my new mommy?" Bailey asked.

"Bailey, sweetie, that's something you should ask Mia herself."

The little blue eyed girl nodded. "Can you be my auntie?" she asked a second question.

I poured the batter into the pan to form circles.

"Of course!" I smiled, tickling her sides as the pancakes cooked.

Bailey giggled, nearly tabling off the step stool she was standing upon.

"Of course, I'll be your auntie," I repeated, smiling to myself as Bailey went to get the gang for dinner.


Yay! Mia's back! Hehehe! I'll most definitely update after christmas !


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