48• Deep Red

741 33 1

Jacques' gf ^^
• 1:30 a.m •

I parked in Jacques' driveway and rushed to the front door. I knocked and rang the doorbell. I heard yelling from the inside.
The door yanked open and the same bitch I fought two month ago aka Jacques' lil bitch ass girl had a pistol in her hand.

"You're responsible for this!!" She yelled while dragging me in the house.

"Bitch ion even know whatchu mad about but ok. Waz gucci? Jacques whats poppin'?" She pushed me on the couch next to him and stood in front of us pointing the gun at us.

"She thinks I had sex with you." Jacques said.

"YOU DID!" She yelled.

"Bitch stop yellin'." I said.

"Watch it or I'll shoot!" She said while choking on her tears.

"Oh really? Ok, you shoot me and or Jacques. What about you? You either kill yourself after you do it or run away and live the rest of your life in paranoia thinking the cops are after you or you go to jail for a long ass time."

I laid on the couch comfortably. "Choice is yours mami."


"I know a couple of things about you, Crystal Bri Ramirez. That's your real name isn't it? You've been lying about everything. Your life is a lie. Your relationship with Jacques is a lie."

"Skylar chill..." Jacques said apprehensively.

"Nah, it's about time someone exposes you." She shot past me trying to scare me. It did startle me but I kept a straight face.

The front door busted open and it was Jesse.

"The hell is going on?" He stormed into the living room.

Crystal started crying. "Don't come any closer. I'll shoot you!"

Jesse put his hands up. "What's going on? Why are you upset?"

"Jacques is a fucking liar!" She wailed.

"No I'm-"

"What did he do or say?"

"He fucked Skylar! I know it!!!"

"We never did! Crystal you're insane!" I yelled. "You're a delusional, money hungry, self centered, shallow, simpleminded BITCH!!" I spat.

She shot me in my arm and yelled. "YOU'RE TALKING ABOUT YOURSELF!"

Jacques reached over to help me but she shot at his leg.

"Crystal or whatever your name is, please hand me the gun!" Jesse inched closer to her. "You can trust me."

I groaned in pain and looked at the blood spilling out of my arm and Jacques' leg. My heard started spinning as I stared at the deep red liquid.

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