52• Worn

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Miss Petit ^^^

I went to Jamal's place because I didn't want Steez to wake up and see him in the apartment.

"She said I was useless." He said while holding in his tears.

"Jesse didn't stop her!?" I said angrily.

"He said he would've stood up for me but he didn't want to lose his job."

I shook my head.

"No, no, no. You need to heal. I'm sorry I dragged you over here." He said.

"No, it's fine. Look, I'm going downtown to try to get your job back or get you signed with Pro Era."

"Pro Era? Nah, them boys too good for me."

"I'm going to hook you up. Don't worry about it." I said. "I can't believe them! This some bullshit!"

"I know."

   I grunted in pain and I opened myself up for a hug. He put his head on my shoulder and quietly sobbed. I hate seeing people that usually crack jokes and always have a smile on their face cry.

"I worked so hard on my music just to get dropped." He said through his cries.

"This isn't it for you Jamal." Seeing him cry made me want to cry.

"I'm not getting paid, I can't find a job, my parents aren't answering their phone...Skylar I'm done."

"Please believe in yourself." I said. "Let's just think positive! You can model! There's this thing downtown they're doing."


"Yes! You're tall, fine as fuck I'm not even gonna lie, have pretty teeth and you have abs!"

"I don't know about modeling."

"Come on. Let's go check it out." I pulled him up.

"Nooooo." He said lazily.

"Just try it out! Please?" I begged. "Please."

He huffed, got up and grabbed his car keys.

"Jamal Anderson." He told the woman behind the desk.

She pointed to a door and we walked into the room. It was completely white in there. Chatter, people in nice clothes and flashes from cameras.

"Turn to the side. Yesssss!" One of the guys taking pictures said.

A woman dressed in fur and red bottoms and sunglasses sashayed towards us.

"Oh beautiful people." She smiled and grabbed our hands. She's French.

"You two, beautiful! Dating?"

"Oh no! This is my friend." I said.

"Ah. Your names?" She dragged us to her office and sat us down in clear chairs.

"I'm Jamal."


"Beautiful! My name is Miss Petit."

A/n: Pronounced PUH•TEET

"Nice to meet you Miss Petit!" I held my hand out. She shook both of our hands and put hand sanitizer on. Jamal and I frowned at each other.

"So, both of you are modeling?"

"No, no, no! Just him." I corrected her.

"You both very easy on the eyes! You audition too." She dragged us back to the white room.

"PHOTOGRAPHER!" She yelled. A man with a camera rushed to her side.

"Yes ma'am?"

"These two! Face picture and body!" She ordered.

"Miss Petit, I am not the one audit-" she cut me off.

"No! You very pretty. I want you both on my team. Vogue, Ssence, very nice brands you two model for." She stepped aside and watched.

I sighed and let the guy take our pictures. Jamal giggled. He's very good at posing unlike me. He's free while I'm stiff and doing basic things.

"VERY WELL!" She yelled at the end.

I jumped. "Bruh she too loud." I whispered to Jamal. He nodded his head.

"No question asked. You two model for me. Jamal I want you for Yeezy season three, Skylar you have very nice body Victoria Secret?"

"Ooo!" Jamal raised an eyebrow at me.

"Oh no! That's not my thing."

"No? You cover up and scared of your body?"

I laughed. "No!"

She smiled. "Very well, you two Yeezy Season 3. Fill out paper before you leave." She gave us a packet of paper. "Do you two have other job?"

"No..." Jamal said.

"Yes." I said.

"Your job Skylar?"

"I'm an Artist at Solar Eclipse Records."

"Ahhhhh! You sing?"

"Yes." I smiled.

"Very nice. Jamal?"

"I was, my boss let me go."

She frowned. "Leah?"

"Yeah...how do you know her?"

She sighed. "My office."

We followed her back into her office and sat down.

"Leah was a model for H&M. She's very...ahhhh....controlling. She wanted everything her way and I had to fire her. She's verrrrry bossy."

"Yeah! Exactly!" I said.

"I wish I could get you your job back Jamal. But...I can try to get you into major labels if you are good."

"What?" Jamal said with wide eyes.

"RCA, Cinematic...all those."

"Woah!" I exclaimed.

"And Skylar if you are interested I can get you there too. See, this deal is not for anybody. In you two I see talent already. Both of you very good with me. I am willing to do anything for you two if you work with me."

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