The Vampire's seal lll : Love over immortality

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"How many fingers can you see?" Freya asked me. Groaning, I didn't comply.

"Sixteen". Freya looked at me strangely and I rolled my eyes. This was so boring. I just woke up and the schools running a billion test on me. All I had was a few broken bones and some failed organs. I was going to be fine. So why all the medical test?

Suddenly, I felt a surge of power shoot, going straight up my spine to the back of my head.

"Whoa!" I felt my mind become sharper and limbs become more energized. "What the hell?" Looking at Freya, she sighed concerned as she moved away and fumbled with tools on a tray, not hearing me earlier.

"You've been awake for four hours and your already pissing me off. Come one Mikey, stop making this so hard for me..." I moaned miserably.

"I don't want to take a blood test, I hate needles." I whined. Freya rubbed her hand over her face as she gave up the argument.

Freya Katona was the school nurse here at this monster filled highschool. Her curly blonde hair, perfect face and looks gave her the reputation as the hottest living thing on campus. On my first day, I fainted from something embarrassing and had to come here.

It was here in this infirmary that Freya introduced herself to me as the school's one and only nurse, and admitted to having dreams about me months before she even knew who I was.

Looking at Freya, something happened to my vision. She jumped when she turned around and facing me, saw my eyes glaring at her.

"Holy... Yesh, are you trying to give me a heart attack?" Freya demanded. Looking behind me, I tried to figure out who she was talking to.

"Me?" Freya looked back at me annoyed then sighed. Taking ahold of my head, she thrust my skull into her ' pillows of nature '.

"What are you doing?" I asked embarrassed and surprised, my voice barely audible since it was muffled by her breasts. She gently ran her fingers through my hair and inhaled a deep breath. She wrapped her palms around my head tighter as I sat crouched over on the stretcher.

What the hell is going on!?

"Listen Mikey... I know this probably won't even make sense to you, but... your different now."

"Different?" I looked up at her face, feeling the power shot that had ran through my body and eyes, I began to feel the energy drain away.


"I'm different?" I asked when she released my head. Looking up at her with flushed cheeks, Freya looked away from me before I had a chance to see her face. She seemed heavily disturbed by something as she looked down and fumbled with her fingers and an uneasy needle.

"You... Michael, your-"

"Listen," I cut her off. "I'm alive. Your alive. We should be grateful. So what if I'm different now or something? I'm the same Michael on the inside, right?." Freya looked up to me, eyes shining a bright color- her natural color. The crystal blue eyes observed me for a moment that felt like forever.

"Your right," she said more determined. "So stop whining and let me take your damn blood!"

Marceline burst through the heavy door five seconds later.

"Let's get one thing straight..." She said pissed off as she stormed towards Freya, who stared at her unfazed.

What the hell? How long was she there!?

"Yes?" Freya responded slight amusement in her voice.

Marceline was the tough vampire of the campus. You only mess with her if you finished planning your funeral. She's the type of hardcore vampire that makes you dig your own grave if you bother her too much.

The Vampire's seal lll : Love over immortalityWhere stories live. Discover now