Diagon Alley Ch.2

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Everyone's view, third person

Everyone woke up and was ready to go to Diagon Alley. They all apparated to the Leaky Cauldron and went to back were the brick wall was. Harry tapped the bricks in a certain order and a door way formed to show the streets of Diagon Alley. They split into groups to get the supplies the needed and hurried off into different directions. Hermione and Ginny when to get the books for 7th year. Hermione and Ginny were both happy that Ginny would be graduating with the trio. As they got the books and paid for them Hermione told Ginny that she was going to get Harry a new owl for his (late) birthday present. Ginny said that she would take care of getting ink and parchment for the both of them. Hermione left the book store and headed to the pet store.

While Hermione was at the pet store Harry and Ron were looking for new brooms. Harry and Ron both got the same broom which was the Firebolt 700. They both walked out of the store with huge smiles on their faces. Hermione also walked out of the pet store with a huge smile on her face as she held a beautiful white and gray owl in the cage. After they got all their school supplies they meet in the school robe store. Harry has grown 4 1/2 inches, Ron 5, Ginny 3, and Hermione 3 also. After they had their nice clean robes they headed back to the Leaky Cauldron to get some Butterbeer. They finished their drinks and went back to the Burrow. Hermione pulled Harry over to give him his gift, he thanked her with a hug and put his new owl up stairs and then went outside with Ron. Harry and Ron tried out their new brooms flying all over the place while Hermione and Ginny talked about school and stuff. When dinner came all was well and good, thay enjoyed their last week together and soon enough we were at Platform 9 3/4.


As I was walking down Diagon Alley I could feel people staring at me, which made me very uncomfortable. I tried to get all of my school supplies so I could leave and go home. As I was shopping I saw Granger a few times, but she didn't notice me. I saw that she got an owl and I assumed that it was for Harry because I heard his owl died. I felt sorry for him he lost most of the people he loved in the war and his life in general except his best friends . I continued shopping and when I was done I decided to go back home. I couldn't stand all the attention I was getting, it was not the good attention either. The week went by fast, and I was sad that I had to leave my mum, but at the same time I wanted to go back to Hogwarts it was my second home. I boarded the Hogwarts express and sat by myself.


Comment and plz like. I don't own any of these characters they are J.K.Rowlings. have a nice day sorry if it was short give tips.Follow

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