Hermione's Birthday Shopping Ch.5

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As the days turned to weeks it was finally a day before my birthday, I am going to be 19 years old and I still can't believe it! I am the oldest of the trio and more responsible too. I decided to stay in the castle today and finish my school work in the library. I had two essays that had to be 3 feet long! I finished the first essay and had to do my next one for Charms class.


I am going to Hogsmeade to find Hermione the perfect birthday present. She isn't a hard person to get presents for in my opinion.  I saw a really nice book I knew she would love! I also got her some earrings and perfume that I knew was her favorite! I headed back to Hogwarts in the calm September breeze by myself.


I saw Ginny leave to go to Hogsmeade to get Granger a present for her birthday.I noticed that she was going alone, so I followed her to make sure she was safe. I decided to also buy Granger a present, well because we both live in the same dorm and such so I thought it would be a nice. I got her a new book and some tea that she always drank. I noticed Weaslette leaving and I follow her back to Hogwarts. 


I have to get Granger something that she will absolutely love! I ordered a special gift from a jewelry shop our family goes too. I can't wait to see the look an her face when she sees what I got her.


I really wanted to make this birthday special because it our last year at Hogwarts. I bought her present over the summer when I was at my cousins house making up the past. Any way I got her a friendship bracelet and a few muggle books she can't stop talking about.I know she will remember her 19th birthday.


sorry for the very short chapter. have a great day, what did Draco get her?

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