Life comes with Blessings and Assholes

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Hey, sorry I haven't updated in a while. i am just a lazy ass who is almost out of school for the year so yea. I hope you enjoy this chapter .......... and you already know about the warning so bye!


3rd POV

So......... after the talk between Mrs. Weasley and the 3 kids, they just decided to chat more about grades and Hermione progress with finding her parents. Mrs. W, " Hermione dear, how is the progress going on finding your parents"? H,"I really haven't found anything out, but I heard some news about them being in Australia". G, " Don't worry Hermione, we will find them sooner or later". HP, " Yea Mione, especially in the summer where we can travel everywhere to search for them together". H, " Yea".

After that, everything went silent. Dinner was finished and Mrs. Weasley was about to call everyone down for dinner until the Weasel came down the stairs. The tension was so heavy, it could be sliced with a knife, and so it was. Ronald said the first words" when is dinner ready ma"? Mrs. W, " Don't you ma me Ronald, you are so lucky you didn't receive a howler from me at school. Why are you being such an awful person to your friends. I know you still have unsettled feelings for Hermione, but you cheated on her so you fucked up. So man up and get over it".

Ron was shocked at his mom's sudden outburst, but then he put two and two together and looked at the tree people next to her. R, " So you three decided to snitch on me to my mother. Wow, fuck you guys". Then all three of them started having an armament about how he needs to knock it of and grow some balls. H, " I gave you a chance, but you went and cheated on me behind my back with multiple girls. Don't act like the victim because you aren't" .

Ron left right after that and everyone gathered for dinner. The night went by fast and soon enough everyone was going to bed, but Ron still hasn't come back. 

Hermione's POV

I started to arouse from my sleep when I felt a pair of arms around me, a very familiar pair of arms. 

Who is it? Guess in the comments below Please!


Hey comment who you think it is, I am curious. I have finals coming up, but I will try to update soon.

Sorry for the short chapter as always and I hoped you enjoyed this chapter.

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