Hermione's Birthday Disaster

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As I woke up on my birthday Ginny was right next to me holding my presents. She gave me three splendid gifts. I loved them all! Ginny and I both got dressed and headed to the common room, both boys were sitting on the couch with wrapped gifts to my surprise! Basie handed me two very kind and generous gifts, he didn't have to get me. Draco then pulled out a small box. I actually was very nervous of what was in that box. He opened the box to reveal a beautiful hand crafted locket with and engraved lion filled with diamonds! I couldn't except such a gift especially from Malfoy. I tried to tell him it was way to beautiful to except, but he already had the locket on my neck. Ginny gasped and started to giggle! I gave him a big hug and went out of the common room to see Ron and Harry in the Great Hall. But when I entered Harry was the only one their. He gave me a few thoughtful gifts and said he had quidditch practice and left.

I spent the whole day with Ginny and receiving a few gifts here and there from fellow classmates along the way. Ginny and I went to Hogsmeade to get a few butterbeers and have some fun! We went shopping and got some discounts because it was my birthday and made out with some clothing, jewelry, food, and other stuff. We decided to head back to Hogwarts before we could miss dinner.

Third Person 

The two girls put all of their shopping bags down in their bedroom and headed down to the Great Hall. When they arrived they saw Ron snogging Lavender and Harry looking very uncomfortable until he saw us approaching. Hermione saw Harry pull out a Happy Birthday cake out from under the seat and lit the candles on top for her to blow the out the flames. She made a wish and blew them out, Ron didn't notice a thing until he saw a piece of cake in front of him.

He said thank you and asked what the special occasion was. Hermione had hurt all over her face as she told him it was her birthday. Ron didn't seam to care and started to snog Lavender again. Hermione started to yell at Ron saying he was to busy snogging that thing and didn't care about her or her feelings. Ron yelled " I 'm sorry that I forgot your birthday, maybe I don't care about you as much as Lavender." Hermione yelled " I can't believe that I ever love you in the first place Ronald!" as she stormed out of the great hall leaving a very stunned Ron looking her way. Ginny stood up and screamed to Ron" I can't believe that you are my pathetic excuse as a brother you bloody, arse, git." she said as she smacked him. Ron forgetting he had a knife in his hand cut his sister on the cheek. Ginny said " I can't believe you cut me with your freaking knife." as she chased after Hermione.

Ginny found her in the common room with broken dishes on the floor with bloody hands! She kept beating her hands on the wall while crying. Then out on nowhere Draco and Basie burst through the door and headed towards the girls. Draco grabbed Hermione trying to shop her from hurting herself more, but she protested and told him to let her go. Draco wouldn't budge and sunk to the ground still holding Hermione. Ginny grabbed a wet towel and started to clean her wounds taking out the glass and healing the cuts and swollen knuckles she had inflicted on herself. Hermione started to calm down and was now crying on the floor with Draco.

After she was done Ginny got up and headed to the door saying" I am going to hex him until he is almost dead" but before she could make it to the door Basie restrained her from moving and brought her to a green chair in the corner sitting her on his lap. Ginny protested until she knew she could not beat his strong hold on her and started to give up and relax. Draco looked up to see Hermione's face, but noticed Ginny had a huge cut on her face and blood was all over her one face. Draco said" Ginny what he hell happened to your face you are bleeding really bad. Basie turned Ginny to face him and anger started to boil in his face ." With hearing that Hermione tried to get out of Draco's hold to heal Ginny's cut, but he would not let her go. Hermione told him to let go of her to let her heal Ginny's cut, and he let her go reluctantly. She grabbed a wet cloth and cleaned her face, when she touched the cut Ginny jumped out of pain and Basie held her tighter.

After she was healed, Hermione held the chair and pushed herself up. Basie noticed a blood stain on the end of the chair and told Hermione her hand started bleeding again. She waved her wand and got the blood stain out of the chair. Ginny got out of Basie hold and started to walk up the stairs with Hermione. The boys stopped them and Draco said" where are you going then your hand is still bleeding?" as he grabbed for her wrist. Hermione pulled away and said she and potions in her room for Ginny and herself and walked into the room also noticing Ginny's cut had reopened.

Before Ginny walked in Basie grabbed her arm and asked how she got the cut on her face in the first place. She said Ronald had cut her with a knife he had in his hand he forgot he had before cutting her. Anger raised in both of the boys faces knowing he had hurt Hermione with those harsh words and by cutting Ginny on the face. Both girls told them to stay in the common room and not to go after Ron saying they would take care of him, then they said goodnight to the boys. The girls sealed their cuts before going to bed putting the alarm on. The boys went to bed right after them to prevent themselves from going to kill Ron for hurting their mates.


Ginny and I woke up the sound of the alarm in our room , grabbing their wands they looked to see who the intruder was.


Who enters the girls room in the morning of a Saturday? Find out next chapter.

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