After The War Part 2

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After the Battle of Hogwarts I went out to seek for my parents I had erased their memory of me from their lives and gave them new names to protect them during the war. I have been staying at the burrow all summer with Harry, Ron, Ginny, and the whole Weasley family. I have had no luck into finding my parents even with the help of the aurors and friends. I would have to have hope in the aurors to find my parents while I am in my final year of Hogwarts,7th year. I was picked to be Head Girl for this school year! I have been waiting for this monument in my life for seven years and now it has finally come!

But as I read more of the letter I realized that the Head Boy was Draco Malfoy. I know that he was forced to be a Death Eater and all, but really him of all the people you pick Draco Malfoy to be Head Boy. I can't believe I have to share a dorm with him, I know he has changed, but he has tormented me all of my years at Hogwarts, and thus damping them.  I knew having a nice last year of school was demolished.

                                                                Everyone's view (third person)  

As they all looked at Hermione's facial expression turn from so giddy to sadden/shocked they had worried looks on their face. Hermione forgot that she was sitting at the table with everyone there until Harry asked "what's wrong, is every think ok" ? With a confused and concerned look on his face. " What, sorry I wasn't paying attention, um, yea I got Head Girl". "Congrats" everyone said. Then Harry asked why she had a sadden expression on her face. " Um, well, the Head Boy is Draco Malfoy". Before she could say anything else Ron and Harry said 'What, no way this must be some sick joke, right?"

She handed the paper over to Harry and Ron, then she looked at everyone else's reactions. Everyone looked stunned and socked! Ron broke the silence by saying "You aren't going to be Head Girl right? Malfoy is a foul git and I don't want you to have to deal him." Hermione was taken back by the comment (he really cares about me). Then she replied " Thank you Ronald for looking out for me, but I can handle myself well enough" she said kindly. As the group looked at their letters they planned out where to go when and get what they needed tomorrow. For the rest of the day they tried to teach Hermione how to play Quidditch she was ok, but she kept falling off her broom giving her cuts, bruises, and a split lip. She healed all of them with a very handy spell after they were done Quidditch. Mrs.Wealsey made them a plentiful dinner and they all laughed and ate forgetting about this morning. When it was 11:30 p.m. or so they called it a day and went to bed.

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