You Two!! Part 2

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Hey I am still going to update even if I am with my friend. FYI I will be going away 3 or so times during summer break and won't be able to type sorry. CURSING IN BASICALLY EVERY CHAPTER NOW FYI.


Draco's POV

Blasie and I went out early to buy our mates Christmas gifts. Since it is 10 days until Christmas and they are leaving to go to Burrow, we have to give them their gifts before they leave. The both of us are going to be with our mothers at my place. Oh I forgot to mention that Blasie's father also died at the Battle od Hogwarts and has been living with my mother and I since then. Anyways we are going to get us all friendship bracelets (I know cheesy) just to have a closer relationship with the girls. Also I am going to buy Hermione some books and a special gift while Blasie is going to get Ginny some Quidditch supplies and a special gift.

It takes us about two hours to finish our shopping, then we sense that our mates are in distress. We head to the location our mates are and open the door to the pub and see them being approached by Pansy and Weasel. Wow I never knew that Parkinson could stoop so low, ha omfg this is so funny. So after Blasie and I have a moment we walk over to see the problem.

Hermione POV

After Pansy asked that question, Blasie and Draco started to walk over to our table. They didn't look too happy, but sat down calmly next to Ginny and I and grabbed out hands. They we squeezing our hands tightly, but we liked that they kept their temper. The looks on Parkinson's and Ronald's face is priceless. They looked so happy that they "cornered" us, but then when Blasie and Draco walked in they started to back down. After a few minutes Ronald starts the conversation by saying,"so, we know about your secret". Oh My Fucking God how did they find out, wait did Harry tell Ronald by accident,NOOOOOOOOOOO. 

Before I ask him how he found out he says with a smirk on his face," I know that u are going to ask if Harry told me, and the answer is no. Pansy and I over heard you two  discussiong the issue with Harry". "Wait you were spying on us Ronald Bilious Weasley, oh I am going to kill you", I say while I jump out at him. Draco holds me back and I look at Ginny seeing that she is ready to pounce on her brother and kill him. 

Ron's POV

Oh Shit the Fucking veelas are here.Now our whole plan is spoiled. Looks like we are not going to have that much fun, or are we, lets see!


Sorry it took a little while to update. Hope u liked this chapter and sorry it is short.

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Also I know their are a lot of cliff hangers, but my old LA teacher taught me that a good story has cliff hangers. BYE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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