The New Hogwarts Ch.4

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Third Person, Everyone's view

Everyone got off the train and took the carriage to Hogwarts, except Ginny and Hermione. They had to make sure all the first years got on the boat safely, and after they were done they got on a carriage . They were not lucky because Draco and Basie hopped on the carriage after they helped the kids onto the boat. The girls were nervous and annoyed. Hermione asked " Why are you following us?" With a hint of curiosity and annoyance in her voice. " Well we all have the same jobs to do and we finish at the same time so we just catch up with you two." Draco said as he eyed both of the girls. The ride was silent and no one spoke as they entered the Great Hall.

 The sorting just started and as they were down to two kids left who were brother and sister, both were sorted in Gryffindor. Mrs. McGonagall the new Headmistress made a few announcements and called the Head Girl and Boy to stand up so they could be acknowledged and all the Prefects.


During the feast everyone ate in peace until Draco walked up and said Mrs. McGonagall wanted to see the both of us after the feast. Draco left, and as I turned around I saw Ronald snogging Lavender, it was a disgusting sight. Me and Ron never lasted, he said our kiss was nothing but a kiss and that broke my heart. I still like Ron, but I had to get over him and fast. As the feast ended I went to the Head Mistresses office. I walked in to see Draco just arrived and was sitting in a chair left to mine. I took a seat and  Mrs. McGonagall said " Since the two of you are the Heads I will allow you to both have a Prefect live with you." I said I would have Ginny and Draco picked Basie. This is going to be one interesting year.

We both walked out of the office and headed to our house dorms to tell Ginny and Basie they were living with us. Ginny was soooooo excited and grabbed her things right away. We told the boys and left to see our new dorm. As we said the password which was " hope" the door swung open. Draco and Basie didn't arrive (thank God) and we ventured the dorm. It had Gryffindor and Slytherin colors spread out the whole common room with gold and silver. Then out of nowhere Draco and Basie snuck up behind us and grabbed us by the waist. Ginny and I tried getting the boys to let go, but they wouldn't listen they dragged us over to the couch and sat down and put us on their laps.

We were both furious and tried to run to our dorm. Ginny made it, but Draco grabbed my wrist as soon as I was at the door. I told him to let go and leave us alone. Basie tried to get to Ginny who was in the room, but I put my self in between the door and got our of Draco's grip. I shut the door and locked it and put an alarm spell I made up on the door to tell me if an intruder in coming in.


As Basie and I walked away from the girls bedroom door we went back to the couch. "The girls clearly don't want anything to do with us" I said to Basie. We both figured out that Granger and Weasley were our mates. We could identify their sent from a mile away. Granger smelled of vanilla, parchment, and old books. Basie said Ginny smelled like roses, strawberries, and sugar. Basie and I couldn't believe that Granger and Weaslette were our mates. The conflict is how we are going to make them fall in love with us before our 19th birthday when they hate us.They both fell asleep on the couch thinking on how to make the girls theirs.


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I do not own these charecters. Have a great day!

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