Invited to Christmas Eve Dinner? Part 1

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I'm soooo sorry I haven't updated in about a year, but a lot of shit has been going on in my life. Also I just can't find the energy to update, but I feel bad for making you guys wait so long. I hope you can forgive me and here we go.


3rd POV

After the whole incident, Blaise suddenly pops into the room  giving everyone a mini heart attack. B- " Yo Draco, why are you here? I went to wake you up and you were suddenly gone. Luckily you left me a note or else I would have no clue where you went." D- " Yea, sorry about that, but something came up and I had to take care of it." B- " Let me guess, was it Weaselbee." D- Yea, but I don't want to talk about it." Mrs. W, " Where is Ronald anyways, I haven't heard anything since you two came down here? H- " I don't know, but he probably went somewhere." Mrs.W- " Well he is a big boy now and can handle himself (I hope), anyways lets have some breakfast. Draco and Blaise, you are more than welcome to join us if you'd like." D&B- " Sorry Mrs. Weasley, we would love to join you but our mothers are back at home waiting for us." Mrs.W- "No problem dearies, but you could join us for Christmas Eve Dinner. I know it's only the four of you and you two probably want to hang out with your mates so."  

After Mrs. Weasley preposed this, the boys said that they will convey the message to their mothers and see what they say. They think that it should be no problem and will see them all later tonight. 

Time skip to tonight

It was around 5 o'clock when knocking could be heard at the front door. Mr. Weasley goes to open the door since his wife is cooking and everyone else is getting ready and chatting. Mr.W- "Hello, welcome to our home and we are all glad to see that you could make it." Mrs.M- " Well, thank you for inviting us and understanding the situation between our two boys." Mr.W- " Well, that's no problem, you can't help who you are and who you are paired with. Anyways boys, the girls are upstair and getting ready so if you want to see them go to the 1st level and that's where you will find Ginny/Hermione's bedroom." After the short convo, the mothers walk into the kitchen to greet Molly and help with the cooking, while the boys went to find their mates. 


Sorry for this poorly written chapter and hopefully I will post the next part soon. I wish I was a better writer for you all, but sadly I'm not.

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