Suspicion Leads To Answers

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School got canceled tomorrow! Now I can update my story! Enjoy!!!!!!


Hermione's Point of view

We looked up in horror as we saw Draco and Blaise( sorry I keep spelling his name wrong)with black and gold eyes, plus sharp fangs. We backed away as far as we could from the boys, but every step we took, they followed. This pattern continued until Ginny and I were pinned to a wall nowhere else to go. Or so it seemed. As soon as the boys tried to make a move on us, we sprinted out of the bathroom and ended up splitting ways.

At this point I is being chased by Malfoy into his ( and Blaise's) bedroom. I suddenly trip and fall over a rug near the bed. I then try to climb over the bed, but Malfoy beat me to it and now was holding me tight around his arms. As I struggled he told me to calm down and said he would explain everything later. I looked up at his eyes ( still black and gold) and see that their is truth behind his words, and I calm down. He holds me for another 5 minutes, then his eyes turn back to his beautiful blue/grey eyes. Wait did I just call his eyes beautiful, well I must be going crazy.

Ginny's Point of view

As Hermione and I barley made it out of the bathroom, I run as fast as I can to our bedroom. I notice that Hermione isn't  behind me, but Blaise. I make it to the other end of the room, and then Blaise comes up, grabs me, and flips me onto his shoulder. He then lays me onto the bed, climbs on top of me and tries to kiss me. KISS ME! Oh, this damn dick has the nerve, wait the audacity to try to  kiss me, Ginny Fucking Weasley! Hell No! So, I then make my move by kicking him in the balls and run to find Hermione.

My Point Of View (3rd Person)

As Draco and Hermione proceed to the common room, they see Ginny running straight at them. She first eyes up Draco, seeing that his eye color is back to normal, she than hugs Hermione. Next thing you know, Blaise comes storming into the room, pleading for forgiveness from Ginny. She first wouldn't listen to what he has to say then she looks at Hermione giving he a ( it's safe, you should listen to what he has to say) look. Ginny then listens to his apology and sits down with Hermione on the couch.

Everyone is now seated and are waiting for answers ( the girls). Draco and Blaise apologize again and start to explain their situation. Draco first asks if they know what a veela is. They both say yes and that they are magical creatures that have mates and they died if they don't mark them in time; etc. Hermione says " So what does this have to do with.....wait don't tell me you guys are, and that we are your, no that can't be". The boys apologetically nod their heads and go deeper into the topic of veelas. " So what you are saying is that you need to mate with us before your birthday, or something like that" Ginny states.

The girls ask how long they knew they were veelas and when they knew they were their mates. They were honestly surprised that they only found out about it this summer. They get deeper into the discussion until it was lunch time and head out to eat. Well, now the girls know the truth and have a long, bumpy road ahead of them. 

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