The Day After

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So sorry for interrupting the story, but I am leaving for Alabama today for an archery tournament . I might not be able to bring my computer with me because of my mom. Again super sorry and I hope you can forgive me. Have a nice day and I might make this into a chapter so we will see.


As me and Ginny woke up from hearing the alarm in our room we grabbed our wands looking for the intruder. To my surprise I see Ron slowly approaching me and Ginny with sadness on his face. I flick my wand and the alarm is off in a second. Draco and Basie must have hear the alarm(who couldn't) and came running into our room! They saw Ron right in front of Ginny and I and looked liked they were going to tear him to shreds! We went and stopped the boys from killing Ron and told them to calm down.

As I took my hands off of Draco's chest their were two bloody hand marks on his shirt. I look at Ginny and see that she is also bleeding again. When the three boys were going to fight I held my two hands out to separate them and so did Ginny. Draco, Basie, and Ron looked at my hands and noticed that they were bleeding again .They tried to grab Ginny's and my wrist but we pulled away and was in a corner of the room. The boys surrounded us with worried looks on our faces. We pushed through the boys, but Draco and Basie grabbed us by the waist and pulled us to our bed and made us sit down. We struggled as usual, but nothing worked.

The boys insisted that we go to the hospital wing, but we refused. The boys told us to get dressed and come to the common room so we could get breakfast. They dragged Ron out of the room with him saying" sorry." We cleaned each others wounds and put on some muggle clothing so we could eat. But when we went to the common the boys dragged us our of the room and grabbed us. They were walking up the stairs no down, as soon as we realized we tried to run down the stairs, but their grip was too strong. They picked us up and dragged us to the hospital wing

Third Person

Madam Pomfrey realized that the boys and girls were there and asked what's wrong. Draco grabbed Hermione's hands and showed Madam Pomfrey that they were cut and bleeding. Basie show a deep cut on Ginny's face that was also bleeding to her. Madam Pomfrey wiped up a potion and wrapped Hermione's hand and asked the girls how they got injured. The girls said that one of them was cut by a knife by someone( then Basie said Ron Weasley), and that Hermione's shattered a mug and pounded her fist on the wall out of angriness by accident( then Draco said "invoked by Ron Weasley). The girls left and spent the whole day together staying away from the boys and ate nothing all day.


Sorry it is a short chapter didn't have much time to write. Might not update every week because of my archery tournament. Have a nice Day!

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