What Went Down in the Pub

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Sorry for the long wait, see I just started high school and sports and school got in the way. I hope you forgive me and enjoy this chapter. BYE! Disclaimer, their is profanity. 

***Here is a key to tell who is talking.

***D = Draco, H = Hermione, G = Ginny, B = Basie, P = Pansy, R = Ron, and you get the point.


Third POV

After Ron made his last comment, he and Pansy had to recalculate their plan of how to get back at them. You see Pansy still likes Draco and is basically using Ron to hurt Hermione ( ugh that Bitch). Ron, not so much likes Hermione, but thinks she is his "property" and is under the impression that she is using Draco to make him jealous (this dumb git). So, while those two are "thinking", the two boys are still restraining the girls from killing the two idiots. Now I will let you see the situation through their eyes.

Hermione's POV 

" Malfoy, let me go"! D, " No I will not let you go because one, people will think you are drunk, two if I let go I will also kill him, and three did you you just call me Malfoy"?  

" NNNNNNN No". D, " Hermione, you know you are bad at lying right"?  H, " yea "( she says as she looks down)

After everyone and I calm down we look at each other to see who will split the silence

Everyone's POV

R, "So as I was saying before, I know your secret". D, " And what's you Fucking point, are you going to blackmail us or something"? P, " Exactly, if you don't split up, we will tell everyone your secret, and make your life Hell". 

H, " Well, I don't know how well that will work because one, Draco and Basie will die without us, and two, I do know how you are going to make our life Fucking Hell when we have already been through it".

P, " Well, we will let you consider what you want to do, oh and you have until the New Year to make your decision".Pansy and Ron walk out, leaving. H, G, B, and D, " Bye Assholes".

After the two leave the pub everyone relaxes and thinks about how to deal with situation.

Will everyone stay together or split, find out in the next chapters?


Sorry it's so short, hopefully I can update soon and have a lovely day.

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