You Two!!

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I am so sorry for not updating. I had field trips and graduation to prepare for. Now that it is summer break I can write more often! Now enjoy..

THERE WILL BE CURSING_FYI__________________________________________________________________________________________

Hermione's POV

Ginny and I wake up the next day to peace and quiet. We put on causal clothing and head out our bed room door. We smell the fresh sent of tea and head down to the common room. To our surprise the two boys are not there to great us. I see a note saying that they went out and will be back in a little while. Ginny and I grab some tea, leave a note for the boys to say where we went, and head out to go shopping at Hogsmeade. We run into Harry on the way to Hogsmeade, and he says that Ron wants to talk to me and Ginny. All three of us look puzzled and I ask why he wants to see us. Harry says he wants to say sorry to the both of us and something else. Ginny and I consider what Harry just said to us and we say that we will think about seeing him.

We walk all the way to Hogsmeade and start shopping! After we tire ourselves out from picking up a few things that we needed we head to the pub to grab a few butter beers. To our surprise we see Ronald it can't that.......Pansy!!!! OMG I cant believe what I am seeing!!!! That Son of a Dick, he is with that slut of all people. UGH is Ginny seeing this! I look to see if she notices and I see her expression. I think she sees what is going on at this point. Oh No, Ron just spotted us; what are we going to do!!!! We try to avoid his gaze, but the little slut and him start to walk over and sit at our table. Surprisingly Pansy starts the "conversation" by saying "Hey Bitches how are you". We respond with a cold stare, then shift our gaze to Ron, our main concern.

Ron's POV

So after Pansy and I found out about Draco and Blasie's little secret, we both devised a plan to lure Ginny and Hermione to black mail them. Oh I can't wait to see their expressions on their face when they find out that we know about the whole situation. I told Harry to tell both of them to see me so I can "apologise". It seemed like fate when both of them walked into the pub and saw us. Their expressions were priceless;......they decide to ignore us and sit at a table far away from us. So, Pansy and I get up and sit at their table. Can't wait for the fun to start!!!!!!!!!!!!!


I think this is a great cliff hanger and I will update soon. Sorry it is sooooooo short, but I want my audience at suspense, and this was the perfect ending for the chapter.

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