WTF Are You Doing?

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Hey guys, sorry I haven't updated in a while. Here is a new chapter for ya'll, hope you enjoy!

Hermione's POV

I woke up in the morning to a familiar scent, a scent I wish I didn't remember. It was the scent of alcohol and Ron's cologne. I "squealed" and tried to get out of his grip, but he was holding onto me really tight and wouldn't let me go. He started to open his eyes and he just smiled at me, this little shit actually has the audacity to smile at me after all he has done. I am now struggling against him, but he won't budge, he keeps telling me to settle down. Then, next thing I know, an angry and worried Draco apparates into my room and just stares at us. I wonder what he makes of this,............ oh no.

Draco's POV

I was sleeping peacefully until I felt that something was off. I think I was feeling Hermione's feelings because I didn't have a reason to feel surprise, worried, angry, and...............scared? Whoever or whatever is making my mate feel this way is going to get it. I put on a shirt and write a note to Blaise to tell him where I was going and then I apparated to where Hermione was, and I was shock to see what was right in front of my eyes. Fucking Weaselbee is cuddling/ arguing with my Hermione who is clearly uncomfortable and pissed with this and he doesn't give a flying fig newton about it. 

It seems that, with my presence, Hermione is more worried than before. I was about to approach her until Weasel shot up from the bed  and held her closer to him. He was shouting for me to leave, but hell no, not without Hermione. 

Hermione's POV 

Ron then again makes a stupid move and pulls me closer to him. I was so sick of him at this point that I turned to face him and I punched him in the face, just like what I did to Draco in our 3rd year. He lets go of me and grabs his face cursing me out. At the same time Draco comes up to me and drags me away from my room and was about to go back into my room to kill Ron, but I pulled him back to me and brought him down stairs. When we got to the landing of the stairs, we were greeted by the faces of the Weasley family and Harry. They were looking at us for some kind of explanation of what happened and why Draco was here. 

3rd POV

Everyone gathered at the table and was " patiently" waiting to hear what happened, but everyone knew it had something to do with Ron. Hermione was the first one to speak up and explained her side of the story. Then after, Draco told his side and how he knew something was wrong.

HP-" I can and can't believe Ron did that but I want to ask you a question. So, you can feel each others emotions"? 

D- "yea, but we can block our feelings from another if we wanted to. It is hard to do so tho". 

H-" Really, I didn't know that. It's not in any of the veela books I've read".

D-" Yea well, veelas try to keep it from their mates so they don't end up blocking their feelings from them. We want to know whats up and when something is wrong. So don't you ever try to block your feelings from me, I shouldn't have even told you in the first place". 

H-" Well, I'm glad you did because I don't like it when people keep secrets from me, especially when I am in a relationship with them".

The family discusses more, and as they do, they begin to welcome Draco into the family. Then suddenly someone else appears at the family gathering. Who is it?

Comment below about who you think it is.


Hey, it's me your favorite author right. I hope so, anyways thank you for reading this chapter and I hope you enjoyed it. 

I probably won't update soon because I am going on vacation and coming back on my birthday (Aug 7 if you were wondering, probably not tho). Comment your birthday!

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