Home Sweet Home

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Sorry i haven't updated in a while, i have been busy and going through a lot as always. I hope you enjoy this chapter and sorry again for not updating as fast.


Draco's POV

" I need you to..... keep an eye on the girls and weaselbee, I don't trust him so I need you to watch out and protect the girls for us, ok". HP-" yea, I don't want them to get hurt either. Ron can be a dick at times and I feel like he has something up his sleeve". 

After our quick conversation Harry and I exchanged glances of understanding and went to join the conversation between the girls and Blaise. H-" so are you going to be staying with your family for the holidays Blaise"? B-" um, no I live with Draco and his mom after the war due to my dad being killed". G-" Oh my, we are so sorry for asking  such a question, we didn't know your father passed". B-" Its ok, he kinda deserved it and all due to being a death eater. I am over it by now so don't worry about it". 

After there was a silence, so i decided to ask about Hermione's  plans." Hermione, are you going to spend some of the holidays with your family or are you spending it with the Weasley's the whole time"? Ginny and Harry looked at Hermione then back to me like I had said something I shouldn't of had said. H-" no, my parents have been missing since the war and I can't find them. That is why I am staying at the burrow for the holidays". When she was explaining her answer, I felt her sadness and pain. I feel so bad. " Sorry for asking such a thing, I had to make you think of them".

Third POV

For the rest of the ride everyone remains silent and minded their own business. When it was time to part, everyone said their goodbyes. The boy's hearts woke because they had to leave their mates and were worried that something was going to happen over break. The girls and Harry saw Mrs. Weasley and greeted her with a warm smile. Sadly, that didn't last long because the asshole Ron had to show up and ruin the mood. The three knew that they had to tell Mrs. Weasley about Ron, so they were going to do it later. They all ignored Ron and walked to a place not full of muggles and appareted to the Weasley's house.

When they got to the house, Ron immediately went upstairs while everyone else stayed down stairs. After a while Mrs. Weasley started to make dinner and took a short break. Hermione, Ginny, and Harry saw this as the perfect opportunity to tell Mrs.Weasley. " Mrs.Weasley, we have to talk to you about Ron" Harry said. " Yes dearie, whats the matter? Did Ronald do something again"? " Well............". 

After the explanation about the whole situation, Mrs.Weasley was honestly shocked. She felt bad for both her daughter and Hermione, but at the same outraged at Ron and his stupidity and his actions. Everyone was now think about how they will deal with Ronald and prevent anything from happening. How but how, and what will happen next?


This is the chapter for today and i hopped you enjoyed it!

Have a lovely day and don't forget to Like, Comment, and Follow!!!!!!!!!!

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