Please don't be mad

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Hey guys sorry for the long update. I have been going through a lot and I have midterms coming up, so I am busy. Please enjoy and thx for understanding.


Hermione and Ginny's POV

G-What do we do, I don't want the boys to be ridiculed, but they will die if we don't mate with them.H- Well, we can't just leave them. Like one thing that might work is to mate, but spit up after. But, no that woldn't work, they would die of loneliness. Ugh this is so worrisome.G- We have to talk to them sooner or later, or they will be pissed when they find out we left. What do we do?

Draco and Blaise's POV

What we heard broke our hearts. The girls are thinking of leaving us because they don't want us to get hurt! Bullshit, absolute Bullshit. We started to get really angry, and we rammed down their door. We burst in and started to yell at the girls. We said " Why are you talking about leaving us? You can't leave us, no you won't be able to leave us." With that we started to advance the girls.

3rd POV

The girls looked a little scared, but held their ground. As the boys advanced, the girls tried to calm down the guys to talk about the issue. This ended in the girl's backs against the wall and the boys hovering over them. They started to show their veela side and became possessive. The two girls snuck under the boys arms and made a run to the common room. The boys followed and had a chasing battle with the girls. After a while, the boys calmed down and the 4 decided to talk about the situation.

  H- " So we know what we have to talk about, but before we do promise that no one will start something ok". Everyone agrees. D-" We know what you are worried about, but you can't leave us, we won't let you. Right Blaise.B- Right." G- "Ok we know that, we were only exploring our options. B- But one of your options shouldn't include leaving us. You know you can't unless you really want us dead. H- Of course we don't want you dead, but we don't want to hurt you either" As this rambling went of for a while, they decide to give it a rest and to finish packing. They didn't see each other for the rest of the day, worried that something would happen if the topic was brought up again. They all eventually went to bed, thinking about to solve the problem with Pansy and Ron.

Will they find a solution, wil the holiday go well, what will happen next? Well, find out in the next chapters to come


Hey other people alive on earth, I am so sorry to took me so long to update. P.S sorry for having short chapter, working on it.

Have a lovely day and don't forget to LIKE, FOLLOW, AND COMMENT!

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