Step 1 Complete/ Explanations

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Heads up a lot of switching of people's points of view in this chapter enjoy!


Draco and Blaise's Point of View

Step one completed! We finally convinced the girls that we are veelas an that they are our mates. Now we have to figure out how step 2 is going to work out.

Draco's Point of View

It is now December and I have 7 months to complete the 3 steps while Blaise has 4 months. With Weaslette I don't know if she will give in or not, but we will have to see for ourselves. Anyways, it has been a week since the incident with the girls and everything has gone pretty smooth, except a few debates here and there. Now, the girls told us that they want to tell Potter about the whole fiasco, because they don't want to leave him in the dark. Oh, and about that Fucking Weassel, oh he won't here anything, nor get in our way with his Bitch, Lavender, either.

Hermione's and Ginny's Point of view 

Today we have to tell Harry about our situation. He knows something is up, but he doesn't ask what that "something" is. So, that is why he will hear about it today. Hope he understands, and wish us luck!

My Point of View( Third Person)

As Hermione and Ginny make their way to the lunch table, they notice that Ron isn't their. Thank God! So, as the girls sit down at the table with Harry, they tell him to meet them by the lake at 7 o'clock sharp, alone. Also to not tell Ron anything, or he is basically dead.

After that, the girls go to their next classes, eat dinner, and then go to the lake to see Harry. When they arrive, Harry is already there to see them. So, after they take a seat and get comfortable, they ask Harry if he knows what a veela is. Harry responds " kinda, I know that they have a soul mate, a vampire appearance, and that they are usually girls. Also, that they die if they don't meet their mate in time". "But why are you asking me this, wait are you saying that Ginny is a veela, and that your her."

"NO" the girls shout before Harry can finish his sentence. "No, we are saying that Draco and Blaise are veelas, and that we are their mates. I am Draco's mate, while Ginny is Blaise's mate". Harry just sits their for a few minutes trying to process what he was just told. All he could say was," Wow, I am really sorry that this happened to you guys, but if they give you any problems come get me. Also, I would like to talk to Malfoy and Zabini about this issue myself.

They talk for another hour or so until Hermione and Ginny have to go on house duty. They say their goodbyes and split ways, but what they didn't know was that they weren't alone, and someone over heard their conversation. Who was it?


Find out later in the book!

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