The Train Ch.3

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As I was going to head for the train I had a pain in my stomach and my mother pulled me aside. "Draco I have something to tell you" my mother said. "You are a Veela" she said quickly and explained a little, then it was time for me to board the train. I walked to the prefect's carriage only to see Basie to my surprise. He saw the look on my face and knew that I just found out that I was a Veela. Basie talked to me and told me he was a Veela too. I was totally shocked and he told me we have to find our mates before our 19th birthday or we would come to and awful fate. 

Everyone's point of view, Third person

As everyone made their way to an empty compartment and hugged each other. Hermione and Ginny both had to go to the prefect's carriage, so they said they would see the crew latter and headed off. As Ginny and Hermione entered the compartment they saw Draco and Basie sitting across from each other. Both girls sat next to each other as far a possible from the boys. Ginny made a comment about how the boys didn't look as bad as last year. Then Draco and Basie broke the silence and said " Why thank you Ginny for the complement, we feel the same way." As the boys said this they moved closer to the girls. Hermione acted by making Ginny sit by the window trying to protect her from the boys who we nearing closer.

 The boys could tell the girls were nervous and that Hermione was protecting Ginny from them. They now sat across from the two girls starring at them, while they talked about how the escape without looking suspicious. The boys heard their every word because of their powers of being a Veela and looked at each other. After that moment the girls looked at the boys and  started to get up and walk away. Then all of a sudden the boys grabbed the girl's wrists and pulled them  to look at their faces! They both said to the girls " and where do u think your going?" With smirks on their faces. Hermione answer for the both of them saying " None of your business Malfoy and  Zabini" as she got free from Draco's grip. Hermione grabbed Ginny from Basie's grip and pulled her out of the compartment.


As we walked away from the compartment I cursed myself. I had left my small purple bag in the compartment and had to go get it. I told Ginny and we walked back to retrieve my bag. As I opened the door the boys look at me and at Ginny, who was holding the door. I quickly looked around the compartment and found my bag on the ground. I bent down to grab my bag and felt some one around my waist. I quickly turned around to see that it was Draco, then I saw Ginny was also held, but by Basie. We both pushed and shoved tying to get the boys off of us, but they would not let go. Finally, I had enough of this crap and I stepped on his foot and he let me go with pain on his face. Ginny did the same and got the same reaction from Basie. I grabbed my bag and got out of that compartment as fast as I could hoping they would not come after us.


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